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The Journey Begins

"Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired"

This is a saying that charged me up many a time when I was frustrated and tired of the monotony of life. When I was tired of the melancholy truth that surrounded or situations that presented, but then was I really sick and tired? I hear stories of those who've reached their wits end, those who've touched their personal ground zeros and who have in response said never again and fought hard to move from that place to where they want to or were meant to be. So I question myself once again, 'Am I really sick and tired?"

There are so many plans that I have and places I want to be but the constant towing of the winds and waves take a toll on me as they toss me back and forth and I end up in a fuss rerouting right back to a place of 'rest and comfort' or as I've come to know it- back to the start making zero progress or nullifying any progress that was said to occur.

So what will it take for me to push out of the 'circle of life' and start living in my destiny? What will it take for me to break free from my self-created cycle of passion, plan, set back, sprint back to comfort? How will I end up where I'm supposed to be and just how many tries do I have left before I run out of life packs, opportunities or the will to keep pushing?

A decision.

That's where it starts.

A firm decision that enough is enough, that where you've been is not where you are meant to be. It takes me WAKING UP! Not that I've been asleep all along but that I conveniently had the snooze button right beneath my finger tips incase I needed a little nap. It takes me realizing that I'm no longer a three year old who requires constant nap times but instead going to a programmer and organizing to remove the possibility of snooze all together.

It is a DECISION to wake up and run, and when the temptation to quit comes reset it as a signal to run harder.

A decision to do whatever it takes to move from here to there in a manner that will end with glory being given to the Father and His will being done in and through my life with the confirmation announced at the golden gates "Well done my good and faithful servant". This decision comes with a realization that it is not a walk in the park that I've signed up for but a fierce run to my destiny which is governed and driven by eternity. A decision to obey before even a single vibration of sound or instruction has left the lips of my King in heaven. Deciding to pack up the past, mistakes and triumphs, all into a book and label it experience and refer to it as lessons that will keep me walking in wisdom whilst not rejecting the wisdom that is offered from those who have run ahead for the wise listen.

For many are called, few are chosen: where I fall in is greatly affected by whether or not I've accepted to allow my life to be lead by the Father, Spirit and Stone the builders rejected.

So I have decided to embark on my journey, from existing to living as who I was created to be.

For a voice from heaven called, so my response is 'I do'. My decision is forward running with reckless abandon into the arms of the one whose voice spoke light into being and whose breath supplied my lungs.

It's a journey of discovery, a journey of growth.

I press towards the mark of the high calling.

A Kingdom woman awakened:

A journey unto womanhood.

"Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it: Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 3:13-14


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