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The Wronged Heart

C woke up feeling like she had emerged from a car wreck, her body aching from all the tossing and turning that she did last night due to the recurring horror that played in her sleep. This one had been about her dad- H knew just how to torture her.

She staggered to her kitchen searching for a glass of water to wash down some Panadol- her head was pounding. If it was up to C she would probably call in sick to work and stay at home, but she already had a meeting scheduled and needed to pick up some fixtures from a dealer she’d rather not talk to again once the transaction was done.

H seemed awfully silent this morning, C was expecting a victory lap to greet her as soon as she woke. Well in H’s case no news was good news- the longer the silence the longer the sanity.

C had two cups of water and one cup of coffee for breakfast- the perfect way to start a day, got into her car and began the drive.

Driving was not one of C’s fortes- actually she loathed it. Initially she protested the buying of a car because she preferred having fellow crazy drivers take her to and from her desired locations, that was until the prices kept racking up and with constantly having to move fixtures, paint and sometimes furniture across long distances for her projects she had no choice but to suck it up and join the crazy- which is where she was stuck now. The mid-morning traffic always seemed to have its array of lunatics on the road. Holding the wheel close to her chest C carefully steered ahead and slowly exhaled as she finally reached her exit.

“Haha, free at last!” C exclaimed to herself as she slowed to a stop at the traffic lights. 3, 2, 1, orange BOOM!

C’s car jolted forward violently shoving her forward with her seatbelt the only thing preventing her from going out of the dashboard. C held onto the steering wheel for dear life for a few seconds while the present events settled in her mind- she had just been rear ended. With her hands cold she released herself from the seat and opened the door.

Outside the car she was met with a medium height rounded man, not so much build but intimidating none the less. Breathing in slightly C stepped forward mouth opening to speak.

“Hey Lady, LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO MY CAR!” The man shouted at her.

C’s anger boiled. “Excuse me?”

“Didn’t you see the lights said green? If you hadn’t hesitated this wouldn’t have happened”

“The nerve of his creep” this jolt certainly had managed to wake H up quickly.

A crowd was quickly forming around the two with people armed with phones in hand ready to blow up the internet with a video of a road screaming match.

C wanted to shout this man down with everything in her, but she had the company to think about- their reputation would be ruined if she was caught on camera screaming bloody murder.

In the midst of trying to decipher the word cordial and apply it to this situation a tall man stood in front of C.

“Hey man, surely you may both come to an agreement- there is no need to engage in such vulgar talk just hand over your insurance details and this will get sorted quickly” an observer interjected.

“What, just hand over? No! I’m not going to pay for this. And who are you to interfere in this matter?”

The imbecile took the question right out of C’s mouth- who was this tall strong brute who had dubbed himself as her savior? Ah, those shoulders, that build- realization dawned on her.

“Well you may call me George, and I was just ensuring that my friend here was being treated fairly” George looked over at C giving what she believed was supposed to be a reassuring wink. Most girls would swoon over this valiant act, but this just made the fire that she had been trying to control rage all the more.

“A friend who does not need saving, especially from a pompous egotistical rude round criminal who clearly broke the law by jumping the lights and spear heading into the rear end of my car. Which has both back and front camera’s whose footage I am more than ready to hand over to the police as evidence when they lock up your sorry round behind. So please don’t settle because I am actually anxious to see you put up this same deplorable attitude in front of a judge!”

A stunned silence is ensued from both C’s attacker and savior whilst the rest of the crowds were eating it up with loud exclamations and commentary.

“Okay, here’s my card and insurance number. There’ll be no need to call the police, let’s leave it as a cut and dry case.” The now deflated man quickly grabbed his wallet and handed over the necessary information. George then went ahead with him where they both took photos of the damage. George proceeded to give him his card information and stood by the man as he opened his door about to enter his car.

“And by the way, I have actually been going to the gym you know. You didn’t need to call me round” said the man with a now distraught face on as he quickly got into his car and drove off.

C contemplated feeling sorry for him, while still making up her mind she found herself standing in the shadow of George who was towering over her with an expression she couldn’t quite read.

“That was quite a show there C” George said with an amused tone.

“Well I was trying to be cordial” C shot back trying to make her way back her car. She was caught mid action by a sudden sharp pain piercing from one ear to another. C stopped to steady herself as a bout of dizziness ensued. The ground started getting blurry and just when C thought she was about to fall strong hands held her shoulders keeping her upright.

“Whoa, go easy there miss.” George words filled with what seem like genuine concern. “How about you pass by the hospital before going about your day?”

“I can’t right now, I have a meeting and need to pick up fixtures” C said, knowing that her stubbornness would be the end of her.

“Wow, that’s what you can think of right now? C you could have a concussion!”

“Well my speech is comprehensible and I have no broken joints so I don’t see the need to let my whole day get ruined by one unplanned event!”

“Hmm, there is no reasoning with you. Okay, how about this: you go to your meetings and whatever else you have to do on the condition that you let me be your chauffeur”

“No can do, I’m more than …” C stopped and placed a hand on her now screaming head.

“You’re not the only one who knows how to say no, and either way in this condition both you and your car are a hazard to the general public”

As much as she wanted to C could no longer put up a fight and shrugged in agreement.

“Okay, let me seat you in my car while I find someone to tow yours to the mechanics.”

C remained in Georges land cruiser while he made some calls outside, standing guard by her car. After about 10 minutes another guy arrived, he and

George shared amicable greetings after which C watched her keys being handed over. Another two minutes later a tow truck arrived then George finally returned and got into the driver’s seat of his car giving C a small update of what had just happened. He asked for directions which C gave as they started off. All the while C was trying her best not to pay attention to all that George was doing for her- she did not want to fall into that trap.


C silently went over the irony of the day. This morning’s body pain was nothing in comparison to the knives she felt now piercing the entire circumference of her brain with zero mercy. Thanks to George she had managed to get to all her meetings for the day, and thanks to her head she had not really had the energy to care about her antique frames dealers’ deplorable attitude. Now they were on their way to collect a lamp she had secured for Trish’s house, if only her eyes would stop shutting. If only…


It was a cold raining night, the five year old was hiding from the thunder behind the couch in the living room. Daddy was getting ready to leave, Rob had asked him to cover his night shift. Mummy was in another city, her sister had just had a baby. So there she was hiding behind the couch waiting for Uncle Jim to come and take care of her. It was the first time she had been left with someone without either mummy or daddy around.

The door knock was loud and distinct, daddy let in Uncle Jim. Thin and tall and jolly as ever, the adults did their usual awkward conversation before daddy said bye and left. Uncle Jim walked towards her, patted her head and immediately sent her off to bed. The thunder kept the five year old awake. She tried to think happy thoughts but just couldn’t, up she was as she ran frantically into the sitting room where she found Uncle Jim. The room smelled like daddy’s “special juice” the one which no matter how many times she asked daddy wouldn’t let her taste.

Thunder sounded again and as quick as her little feet could carry her, she found herself burying her head in the arms of Uncle Jim seeking solace from the crashing noise. Once the noise died down and she lifted her head she saw a look of embarrassment cross Uncle Jims face. She then noticed that more strange noise filled the room, not that of thunder but of really great effort. She lifted and turned her head only to have her mouth drop in shock.

“Uncle Jim, don’t those people have mummies?”

Uncle Jim laughed, some embarrassment easing of his face“Why do you ask that?”

“Well ‘cos my mummy would never let me leave the house without clothes”

Uncle Jim laughed, more embarrassment leaving his face. “Well sometimes grownups remove their clothes to have fun”

The five year old had no idea what this meant, she turned her head so as not to see the images on the TV. About to run away to bed she was reminded once again about the thunder which kept her stationary in that room, afraid to be alone.

“We kids play games to have fun, can I show you one?” trying to buy more time.

Uncle Jim took another sip of the ‘special juice’, all hints of embarrassment now disappeared from his face. “Hmm, how about I show you one? It’s a bit like hide and seek, I’ll count to three and you go hide once I find you I’ll tell you the rest of the game”

That seemed okay to her, all she needed was company during the rain, and staying up passed her bed time to play did not sound like a bad idea. But

something had changed in Uncle Jims eyes, he no longer looked jolly but hungry. This realization made her run with all her five year old might and hide in the tinniest corner. She could hear his footsteps coming closer, she could hear him calling her. She held her breath so as not to make a sound but the sound escaped her as she squealed when the thunder crashed.

A head dropped down squaring in on her hiding place “There you are sweetie”


The sickening smell of disinfectant hit the back of C’s throat as she woke up. With eye’s adjusting to the light C was looking for clues for where she was.

“Oh there you are sweetie, thank you Jesus”

Trish, was that Trish? C’s eyes wanted to shut immediately to reverse the dawning realization- Trish was the only person she knew who would say that name that much. What on earth was she doing here? And more importantly where was here?!

“Told you she’d come around quickly” Trish said, was there someone else in the room?

“I didn’t argue, this one’s a fighter alright.” George- it had to be.

With her eyes finally fully adjusted, partially wanting to feign sleep so as to reawake on another side of reality, C started to get up. It took only one more moment for C to figure out she was in a hospital bed now all other details were beyond her.

“Here you go sweetie, let me help you up” Trish quickly coming to C’s aide holding her arm and adjusting the pillow so that she could sit up more comfortably. “Now there you go, how’s your head doing?”

“My head? How did I get here, we were on our way to pick up a lamp?” C managed to say with a dry mouth.

“Well give me no stars for my chauffeuring skills but when a passenger passes out in your car I believe the first stop isn’t the hardware store but the hospital” George replied.

Passed out? C didn’t believe that her injuries were that big, it wasn’t that big of an accident.

“Let me put your mind at ease dear, they already did all the tests and a head CT which showed no evidence of hemorrhaging or fractures so the doctor suspected a slight concussion due to head trauma. However he also attributed your response to some other factors, like your low blood sugars- girl you were severely hypoglycemic! Have you not been eating these passed few days?” Trish belted out.

“Not really” C mumbled, not wanting to admit her poor nutrition schedule.

“Either way thank God that George was with you, imagine if you passed out on the side of the street or even worse while driving?!” Trish still full of words.

George just stood in the corner with his arms crossed, C couldn’t quite read his face. For some reason he seemed sad- well either that or her mind didn’t want her to believe that he was genuinely concerned “It’s only a matter of time before he asks this debt back of you” H said. Her voice didn’t seem cynical but instead as if it was dreading the inevitable.

“Now you’ll definitely have to come home with me to ensure that you are okay.” Trish said matter-of-factly.

The prospect seemed like an unfair prison sentence, there was no way C was going to allow that. Being in the same room as Trish caused enough of a battlefield within- staying with her was going to cause a full on war.

“I don’t think that would be necessary Trish, thanks for the offer though.”

“You are not at all imposing if that’s what you’re scared of”

“No, but you are” H mumbled.

“Trish now let’s not get ahead of ourselves, the doctor did himself say that she may leave once she was awake and alert. And not forgetting the fact that your house recently experienced Noah style rain but from outside the boat.” George perked up. C was actually happy for his interjection this time. She knew that Trish was a force to be reckoned with and she did not have the energy to be reckoning at the moment.

“Oh well, okay we’ll take you home but don’t think that you’re of the hook just yet sweetie” Trish gave in.

No sooner were they agreed than out of the hospital on the way to her home. C racked her brain to remember the state she had left her house in. Well, she would try her best to keep both George and Trish outside.

George’s car pulled up outside the building, C yawed in an exaggerated manner in a bid to repel all company. Well, it worked surprisingly as they let her go in alone without protest. Now safely inside with her door closed firmly she somehow navigated herself to her bed and promptly slept.


“Thanks for calling me” Trish said to George after C had so quickly hurried into her house.

“Well you are the only other person that I know who knows her as well” George stated the obvious.

“Yeah, but still I thank God”

“That she wasn’t too badly hurt or?”

“For this opportunity, I’ve been praying oh so hard. God kind of gave me a task.”

“Aha, I’m guessing this has nothing to do with your living room- and neither does she.”

Trish chuckled and explained the wedding, the dreams and eventually the stern wake up call.

“So what you’re saying is..?”

“What I’m saying is that God is chasing after her and is using me to do it.” Trish sighed.

“Not bad Miss Trish and not new either, you always have been an expert fisher.”

“Well humility is what I’ve been taking a large dose of recently as this girl is just so hard to crack, she’s so guarded and inside contains so much anger that fearlessly covers up hurt and brokenness. In all honesty I tried to run when I heard Him call.”

“Then you decided you preferred eating fish than being in them?” George laughed.

“Hehe, well that and also the fact that He’s been breaking me in this process as well- or at least the shells of my eyes. I have to swallow about three pills of humility each time before I meet her, previously I used to see her attitude as pride but now I’m starting to see it as pain.”

“Wow, indeed he is opening eyes”

“I’m going to visit her George, I don’t know much about her personal background but I do know that everybody could use an extra person showing them love.”

“That’s beautiful Trish, let me pray on it and get back to you on a visiting schedule”

“Really? Thanks so much George. God’s going to use this one, I’m sure of it.”

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