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The Pursued Heart - Part A

Hey Patricia,

Hope you are doing well. I know that this is a really random email but I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be coming in next weekend for the “Alive Again” conference. I’m part of the delegation sent from our church.

It might seem weird that I’m reaching out to you but you are one of the few people I still talk to from NB church and I needed some help getting some things sorted out in terms of accommodation and other logistics.

Hope to hear from you soon.

God bless


Trish stared at her computer screen for a good five minutes before letting out air she didn’t know she had been holding in. Her mind was racing and in all that time she had forgotten the most basic thing- how to breathe.

“Hey Trish, the meetings starting in two minutes” Dayo her assistant’s head popped into her office.

“Sure thing, I’ll be right out”

Trish called herself back to the present, gathered her things and her thoughts and went to the board room.

“Hey guys, so Dayo quickly pray and brief us on today’s agenda” Trish said after settling down.

“Dear Lord, thank you for this time and opportunity to once again meet plan and discuss various events. Holy Spirit guide our meeting, open our hearts minds and ears. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.”

Amen echoed through the room.

“So in today’s meeting we are to discuss Miranda and Paul’s wedding that’s this coming Saturday; Computer Genius’ new showroom launch that’s next Tuesday and of course the Alive Again conference this coming weekend” Dayo’s rich voice read out the agenda.

“Okay, thanks Dayo. So Njeri what are the updates on the wedding?”

“Well all the vendors have been secured and have confirmed their individual logistics. The caterers menu has been approved- as usual we requested that they plan for 50 more than written for the sake of the usual unannounced drop in’s. The dance floor was the only problem as my usual guy’s machine got broken so the custom design would not be ready for Saturday. Any help on that?”

“Well let me try call Valentine, he spoke about venturing into the printed floors.” Ted pitched in.

“Thanks Ted” Njeri responded. The hearts shooting out of both their eyes was palpable to the entire room, Trish wanted the meeting to move on.

“Thanks both of you, Njeri you’re running point guard on this dear so stay on your toes and keep us posted. Ted please give updates on the launch.”

“Well they requested it to be more of a tech expo than a plain launch. The company wanted to invite top wiz kids from three main high schools to compete with each other and hence sample the new equipment- this would encourage youth participation and bring in crowds”

“That sounds great but we all know that high school kids don’t have new equipment money” Dayo interjected.

“Well that’s true.” Ted couldn’t deny the obvious

“Yup we don’t want their sales to be zero on day one. How about you modify the concept a bit so that you don’t just have numbers but combine it with sales” Trish suggested.

“Ah, I think I have an idea, how about you make it a Dad’s vs. Sons event. That way the money and the motive come along. Invite kids to go up against their parents in using the various equipment.” Dayo spoke up.

“That sounds great” Trish agreed “Ted consult Dayo and build more on that idea please, send a detailed plan to me by tomorrow”

“Sure thing” they both replied.

“Now it’s my turn to give an update on the Alive Again conference, there will be guest speakers from five different churches around the country and outside. There will also be delegate worship teams with an estimated 2000 people in attendance- let’s just say that this event is big. I thank God that the teams allocated have all been diligent with their works. We are getting external media teams to ensure a better standard of quality, caterers have all been briefed and the three day meal plan set together with times and instructions to plan for 300 more at each meal so that there will be no shortage of food. The Pastoral care team is having training this Wednesday, Mrs. Oloo is taking charge of that. This week all the care packages will be packed together with volunteers from the church and placed in each guests room, rehearsals with the entire team is happening on Thursday, apart from Njeri and Ted I’ll need all hands on deck this weekend okay. Let’s hustle and make this a success for Jesus.”

“Amen!” Dayo’s smile spread across his face with excitement for the upcoming conference. If there was anyone who had been waiting for it, it was him. At the last conference he had recommitted his life to Christ and was filled with the Holy Spirit, He was in joyful anticipation of the next one.

“Okay, that’s all for our meeting let’s pray” Trish wrapped up the meeting committing the day and week into God’s hands and then went off to her office.

It had been three years since she started her event’s company and she had seen nothing but God’s hand in everything till date. She had had a vision of a God centered and Holy Spirit driven company with a standard of excellence breaking new grounds in the events industry. Her faith was not going to be compromised one bit, she was determined to keep God at the center so prayer and fasting as well as weekly bible study was part of the office routine. Each new employee initially had a hard time trying to adjust, but once they did they ran with the vison head on.

Trish packed her laptop and handbag then started to her car, she had a meeting with the manager at the Eastwood hotel where most of the guests would be staying.

On the drive there her mind went back to the email that greeted her in the morning. Sarah was the last person she expected to hear from at any time. Not that they weren’t close but the circumstances that led to her moving away caused a stir with absolutely everyone.

Trying to regain her thoughts Trish started going over the agenda of her next meeting in her head. She pulled up to the hotel and picked her things. While walking in she saw someone who looked like C by the reception desk. Trish looked with greater intensity to confirm her suspicions.

“Oh sorry” a strong deep male voice apologized for what had clearly been her mistake, she had walked into him while staring at who she

thought was C.

“Not at all, that was all my fault”

“Ah so you agree?” the man’s tone changed.

“Agree on what exactly?” Trish now genuinely puzzled.

“On the fact that you should probably replace my coffee.” The man said while pointing to his shirt. Trish’s files had hit his coffee on collision and had caused a growing brown lake to form on his shirt.

“Wow, um I’m really sorry I was not paying attention.” Trish now fully focused “Where did you get that from, or better yet how much was it?”

“Or even better yet how about you just give me your card and I’ll let you know when a good time to replace it is?” The man gave a confident smile, one that had Trish regretting even engaging him in conversation. She was not in the mood for advances.

“Hehe, so I’m kind of in a rush for a meeting that’s very important. How about I just give you twent… forty so that would cover both the coffee and dry cleaning for the shirt and we call it even”

Not giving him a chance to respond Trish gave him the money and dashed to the elevator hoping he would not pursue. If this was another day she would have probably… done the same thing, Trish knew she was not fooling anyone- she was horrible at accepting advances from any guy.

Trish pushed everything else out of her brain to give her utmost focus to the present meeting. With her things together and her head high she walked in.


George had been up since 4AM, He was enjoying a dream until he was prompted to wake up and pray for Trish. He tried turning over but his spirit wouldn’t allow it. He got up and for two straight hours he found himself seriously contending for Trish.

Now it was 11AM and he was trying not to yawn while listening to Pastor Steve. They had had a larger meeting earlier with everyone else concerning the upcoming conference after which Pastor Steve requested to see him briefly.

“I’m so glad with all the progress that has been made so far with everything concerning this weekend.” Pastor Steve started

“We thank God that He has brought us this far” George knew that this was not a session of gratitude, he waited for the meat.

“So as you know five Pastors will be speaking at the event already”

“Yes sir, I am well aware.”

“But on The final session on Sunday evening there is a spot remaining and I was hoping that you would take that.”

“Excuse me Sir?” George was not expecting this.

“This may seem like a surprise to you George but we’ve been watching you attentively over the years. It’s been five years since we employed you and in those years you have done wonders in the youth department. An amazing change has swept over our church and we thank God for it as we also recognize whom he has been doing that through. I believe it’s time you stepped onto a bigger pulpit and share with more people just what God has placed inside of you.”

George was momentarily speechless “Thank you sir”

“Thank God George, I’m glad that you haven’t met this with doubt. Continue serving Him diligently- He has great things in store for you.” Pastor Steve smiled “That will be all”

“Okay, we’ll see you later” George got up to leave.

“By the way, I hope you haven’t paused your search for your rib?” Pastor Steve smiled cheekily “Keep looking George, she’s closer than you

think.” And with that Pastor Steve went back to his work and George took the queue to leave.

George started working at North Baptist Church a year after he graduated from seminary. And oh so much happened in that time, a lot that he did not want to remember but couldn’t forget.

Since the end of his first year He gave his complete and utter focus to the ministry and all who he was shepherd over. And over that period the youth had grown from the 22 he found to the now 258 registered members with more coming each week. It had been a battle in prayer a lot of time given and God’s mighty hand that had caused the growth.

George thought that after four years he would be more prepared for whatever God had in store for Him but this caught Him by surprise. “Thank you God, I don’t take this for granted. Thank you God” He mumbled a prayer, God loved to surprise Him. This surprise however was one that was welcomed.

George got into his car and started on his way to the Eastwood Hotel. His good friend and mentor from seminary had come in early for the conference because of work related issues and George was going to meet with him before they both got too busy.

Peter had been two years George’s senior in seminary and he had taken him under his wing almost immediately. They had spent many nights in prayer, fasting and football- their holy trio. Peter had guided, supported and when necessary comforted, counselled and even rebuked George.

Since George moved back home to work at North Baptist their meetings had dwindled but their friendship and bond hadn’t. Peter had since been called into the market place when he took over his dad’s real estate company as a family necessity. This had first crushed him as his dad’s Alzheimer’s got worse despite persistent prayer, what crushed him even more was having to give up the ministry.

Well at least that’s what he thought had happened until God started opening doors through the business for him to speak to and minister to the people in the marketplace. It was unexpected and hence only God’s doing.

George drove in and parked his car in one of the few remaining spots. As he walked in his eyes fell on the reason for his present fatigue- C.

C was wearing much more clothes than when he last saw her which was on Saturday’s mixer when she had ran away in stilettoes. He was glad to see her but not so sure how to approach since she now knew that he was a pastor and judging from what Trish said, she was ready to retreat for life.

George would have given her her space if he hadn’t been so persistently bothered by her welfare. It had been the past two nights where he had been woken up at odd hours prompted to pray for Trish. If there was something going on, he wanted to know about it so as to give some direction to his morning calls.

George cautiously approached making sure he was fully visible and praying that she wouldn’t run away again.

“Now isn’t this a lovely surprise” George started

C’s expression echoed his words while omitting the word lovely from it.

“Um, hello Sir Mr. Pastor George” C sighed loudly with evident frustration.

George couldn’t help but laugh amused at how fluttered she was.

“Just call me George, C, as usual” Her look showed him that this was anything but usual.

“Okay, George”

“How are you doing?”

“I’m well, okay. Just okay.” An awkward silence ensued.

“Well I’m fine too C, just came over to see a friend who came in for the ‘Alive Again’ conference this weekend. I’m sure Trish has told you about it already, right? Well he and I go way back, we met around nine years ago now- lovely fellow.” George paused, obviously babbling to fill the silence “So, what were you doing here?”

“I had a meeting.” C’s answer straight forward and to the point. George was grasping for words “Um, I actually have another meeting to go to- bye George” and C was of again, walking yet running away; he was not quite sure what it was away from- him or what he represented.

George stepped forward as he started on his way to the restaurant of the hotel when his foot kicked a journal on the ground. He knew it too well, C had dropped it in her heist. She took it everywhere work related and kept it on her front desk when she arrived home. He reached down and picked it up deciding not to call out for her but to keep it as leverage of some sort.

Finally walking in George greeted Peter with a hug. Peter had noticeably lost weight over the years and had grown into a well put together man. George was glad as ever to see his mentor and friend.

They laughed, they talked and after all that their two hour meeting was coming to a close much sooner than either wanted it too.

“George, with all this happening don’t you think it’s time you had a beautiful young lady at your side to help you with everything?”

“No signal caught yet, I’ve been searching actively still no wife I can see”

Peter laughed at George's dry pun.

“Well, all in God’s timing. I just hope that it isn’t because of ‘you know who’” Peter unsure as to whether or not George had gotten over his ex completely yet.

“It’s been four years Peter, you’re allowed to say her name.” George well aware of his friend being careful of his emotions. “I should actually ask you the same question, or did my invite get lost in the mail?”

“Hehe, turning heads on me I see. In all honestly I am still actively searching as well, it’s just that I’ve been so busy with the company and the ministry that my focus was completely absent from that sector of life. But hey, that invite might be coming in a lot quicker than even I anticipated”

“Oh is that so? Something tells me you have already found her.”

“Huh, let’s just call it ‘Divine collision’” the pair both burst out in laughter remembering Pastor Doris’ intercession talks- everything had to be divine in her classes even the food! “Seriously though George remember that she won’t come with a neon sign with your name and God’s hand on it- as the good Bishop loved saying ‘Watch and Pray!’” Peter chuckled with that final comment and signaled for the bill.

George laughed, it was always a good time with Peter. He also noted that this was the second time that day that he had been reminded to be on the lookout for his spouse. Something had his tummy knotting up thinking about the upcoming conference, God might have more than one surprise for Him concerning it.

Getting up to leave George picked up C’s journal not wanting to leave it behind, he started to walk towards the exit when his phone rang- it was Trish.

“Stop for a second and turn around, I need to speak to you briefly”

“Is this a new level of prophecy that you’re entering into? Dimensions ever changing dear I see” At that sad attempt of humor he felt a light smack on his back which was undoubtedly Trish.

“Sit down for a second I have something quick to tell you” they both hung up their phones and sat at the nearest table.

“Hello and how are you doing too?”

“Enough niceties George”

“Okay then, how are the preparations going? Is this about the conference?”

“Fine, everything’s fine. A little stressful but it’s all falling into place beautifully”

“So then, what’s so urgent?”

“It is kind of about the conference” just as she was about to spill out this morning’s news Trish eyes fell onto the journal “Wait, isn’t that C’s?”

“Yeah, I saw her here earlier”

“I knew it was her, it’s just I was rushing to a meeting then bumped into some guy so I didn’t have time to catch up to her. Do you want me to take it back to her for you?” Trish offered.

“No girl, this is my leverage- you go and get your own”

Trish groaned slightly also wanting an excuse to visit her “By the way did I tell you that C thought we were a couple?! That was major awkward.” George burst out in laughter

“Well I hope you set her straight. That must have been an interesting discussion.”

Trish couldn’t help but notice the slight smile present now on Georges face.

“Was that the urgent news?” George inquired.

“Oh thanks for reminding me, I got an email this morning that I think you should know about before you find out some other way. Sarah is coming to the conference, she’s part of her churches worship team delegation.” Trish spat out the news looking intensely for George’s reaction.

“Huh, that’s interesting” George’s face was obviously shocked but those were the only words he could muster. After all it had been four years since he last saw his ex.


Pulling up with an old Peugeot George stepped out of the car and looked at the collage before him, it was his first day of seminary school. It had been a long journey for him to finally end up here, but after his parents finally approved he rushed all his applications and squeezed in a spot at Creakwood seminary.

It had been a recurring dream he had as a child of him speaking to masses about Jesus Christ. It turned into a vision after he spent most of high school serving in the youth ministry of his local church and it took three different confirmations for his heart to be set that God had called him. Now here he was walking into his first class, running a little late he sped in and sat at the nearest seat he could find.

“Excuse me, may I please borrow a pen?” A sweet voice originating from the seat next to him asked.

George turned and both his focus and breath was taken away. She was the prettiest young girl he had ever seen, or at least noticed. It took a second for him to regain focus and finally hand over the pen. George prayed silently ‘God, please may she be the one’ at that he tried to keep his mind on the class.

A couple weeks later he was invited by one of his seniors, Peter, to a camp meeting happening not too far away. He eagerly walked in hungry for the word. George caught up to Peter and finally found a place to sit down, just then worship started.

“Lord you are welcome in this place” The song started but instead of the lyrics his eyes went sharply to the stage as that sweet voice rang in his ear again. Indeed it was her, in a light pink dress and grey sneakers holding the microphone and soaking in the presence of God. George didn’t even know her name yet, but he knew in that moment that he was beginning to fall in love.

The service ended and it was time for refreshments, George had made it up in his mind to finally introduce himself. He made a beeline straight to her and before he had another opportunity to doubt he blurted “Now that worship was just powerful”

“I thank God it touched you” she smiled back at him.

“Need any more pens by the way?” her face turned quizzical, she clearly did not recognize him and he was making a fool of a first impression. “Never mind, I’m George by the way”

“Ah, yes. I hope you’re not judging me for not bringing any stationary on the first day of school?” She said with her face finally clearing.

“Oh not at all, let’s just call it walking by faith”

“Exactly, you get me.” They both laughed “By the way I’m Sarah”


It was 2AM and George sat up with his mind racing from the dream he just had. Was this it? The reason why he had been reminded about looking for a wife all day? Was it because Sarah was coming? Was this a sign from God?

A million questions raced in his mind as he tried to turn over and go back to sleep. Immediately he shut his eyes an image of a young lady crouched up in a corner of a room dressed in black was crying with dark creatures surrounding and tormenting her. He looked closer and saw it was C “Pray for me” she whispered with her eyes full of fear. George didn’t need to be told twice. Immediately he got up and started interceding once again for C. God was on the verge of a breakthrough in her life and Satan didn’t want to let her go.

It was 7AM when he had finished his devotion and was about to head over early to work when George received a call from Mrs. Oloo.

“Hey George, I hope this isn’t too early to call?”

“Not at all Mrs. Oloo.”

“Now really, do I have to employ the use of a stick for you to drop the formalities? How did you sleep dear?”

“Well… good enough. How about you Carol?”

“Better than you I suppose, though I was woken frightfully.” George was not sure he wanted to know exactly what that meant- He was deep but Carol was deeper than. “Anyhow I wanted to enquire about that young lady you made run away during the mixer last weekend?”

Carol always had a way with putting things “Ah, you mean C”

“Yup, I knew you’d remember who I was talking about. Are you planning to visit her today?”

“Yeah I was actually going to return something to her in the evening”

“Oh perfect, then I hope you won’t mind if I tag along?”

“Not at all Carol, I had no idea that you knew her.”

“No I don’t darling, that’s why I’m going with you today.” she stated matter-of-factly.

George shook his head “Okay then, is 6PM okay for you?”

“Yes it is darling, we’ll see you then. Oh and before I forget I heard the news from Steve.”

“Oh did you?”

“Just trust God and let Him speak through you darling, don’t stress too much.” Carol reassured George.

“Thank you Carol” George sighed, his upcoming sermon was one more thing keeping him up at night.

George went about his day with it being busier than usual with the conference drawing closer. He struggled to keep fully awake due to lack of sleep but somehow managed to make it through. Now 6PM finally came and he was in his car with Mrs. Oloo in the passenger seat chatting away as usual. George only felt half guilty for not paying full attention to all she was saying, he was praying for wisdom.

Three knocks is what it took for C to finally open the door. She was wearing loose slacks and a T-shirt so had probably been home for a while.

“Hello George”

“Hey C, can I come in?”

“Um… are you allowed to?” C was still evidently uncomfortable in his presence so he was happy to have Mrs. Oloo there with him.

“Technically I am, and either way I brought someone along as an insurance policy this is…”

“Hello darling, I was wondering when he was going to get to me” Carol brushed passed George to hold C’s cold stiff hand “I’m Caroline Oloo,

it’s lovely to finally meet you.” With that said Carol gave herself permission to embrace C. She hugged her so tightly George though C might snap, surprise was clearly registered on her face as her personal space was invaded. “Now we better get on in before we get any colder out here, your hands are freezing my dear girl.”

“Ah, oh sure, come in” C finally opened the door to them. If she thought Trish was a force, Carol was the origin as she made Trish look like a child in comparison.

“Now do you by any chance have any tea, my mouth would welcome a cup” Carol asked.

“I have coffee.” C shrugged.

“Oh then just boil water dear, I always carry some tea bags around with me” Carol said casually. “Now you just have to tell me where you got this carpet from, a family heirloom I imagine?”

“No actually, it’s from an antique shop in town” C said, happy someone recognized her proud find.

“Is that so? You definitely have to take me there some time. How many are you in your family?”

“It’s just me, um let me go check on your water.” C dashed to the kitchen at the mention of family.

“Huh” Carol looked on in the direction of C.

“I have to ask” George finally spoke up.

“Glad you finally got your tongue back” Carol side eyed him “Have you invited her to the conference yet George?”

“No I haven’t had the opportunity to yet.”

“Well no time like the present” Carol got up and started studying the art on the walls. George sat down silently praying even more for wisdom as to how to go about it. C had run away the only time she had ever stepped into church, how was he going to convince her to come for a whole weekend?

“Don’t try to take God’s job young sir, just do what you’re told.” Carol smiled as C stepped back in with a tray holding two mugs and a kettle.

“Thank you darling” they sat down. “Now to my understanding George here has something for you”

C looked to him expectantly. “Yeah, you dropped your journal at the hotel yesterday.” He handed it over to her.

“Oh, thank you so much. I have been looking for this everywhere” relief filled C’s face.

“No worries, by the way- do you have any plans for this weekend?”

“You’re not about to trick me into going to church again are you?”

“Trick you, who on earth did that?” Carol couldn’t hide her amusement

“Let’s just say that was Trish’s well wishes” George glanced at her.

C shook her head whilst subconsciously folding her arms, George knew the walls were up.

“Well there is a conference that is going to be happening from Friday to Sunday. If you have a moment it would be good for you to come and check it out.” George clearly not knowing how to convince her.

“Is that all that’s happening George? Come on now you are forgetting a key part.” Carol intervened “You see this young man is too modest to tell you, but I’m older so I can get away with it. George will be preaching at conference for the first time this coming Sunday so it is also a big event for him. I can’t wait to hear what God has placed on his heart to share. I’m sure he would appreciate the support of a friend there. So how about it?”

“I have to finish up a project this weekend, I’m sorry I don’t think I’ll make it” C bluntly stated.

“Well don’t is such a harsh word. How about we change to a ‘maybe’ and an ‘I’ll think about it’” Carol took out her bag “Here is the ticket just in case that finally develops into a yes. You are welcome every day at any time. I look forward to seeing you there.” Carol placed the ticket on her table and got up ready to go. George took the queue and followed suite. “Thank you kindly for your hospitality. Hope to see you there.” Carol squeezed Trish’s hands one last time and led the way out.

With that they left C alone with her thoughts. C switched of the lights and rushed straight to bed.

In the car Carol studied George’s dejected face. “Still doing God’s job I see?”

George couldn’t help but sigh “It’s just, I expected some sort of change. I mean, God must have a plan for sending us here- why is there absolutely no progress?”

“How sure are you about that?” Carols knowing tone spoke “Palm seeds take seven years for rooting before showing the world any signs of growth, but when they do eventually grow they stand tall amongst the trees and strong before any storm. ‘Paul planted, Apollos watered but it is the Lord that made them grow’ don’t go about tasking yourself with God’s job. Just keep trusting him not to slack off” Carol winked at him. That was just the encouragement he needed.

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