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The Pursued Heart - Part B

Conference weekend was in full swing and Trish did not remember the last time she sat down. It was already day two and things had been wildly successful so far. All the groups had come in on time and all the Pastors had been satisfied with their accommodation. Not only that but the turnout was great- actually more than great as there were currently 250 more people than expected in attendance. This meant a run around for Trish as she had to secure more rooms for the unexpected visitors but she thanked God that she had already partially planned for this by ensuring that the Savora hotel would also have vacant rooms during this weekend. Trish had told the caterers to increase their planning portion by a hundred as more people were expected today.

Trish was currently ushering in more seats for the overflow while her head was going over the rest of the logistics. Her team had been an absolute help and she was hoping that Ted and Njeri would make it this evening after the wedding. She continuously prayed for each member of her staff to have a genuine encounter with God and become an asset to the kingdom regardless of their present state.

“Now isn’t this a coincidence” A deep male voice spoke to her.

Trish looked up with a smile hoping to God that she’d be able to recognize and remember the name of its owner. In all this time she could no longer keep track of all the new people she had met. Her smile shortened briefly as recognition dawned.

“Ah, coffee guy! I hope you were able to replace it?”

“Yes I was thank you very much. Do you need any help here?”

“Oh no you’re a guest here, I could not expect you to do this.” Trish said while trying to cut the conversation short, she still had a lot to do.

“Well let’s just say that I love to exceed expectations.” He smiled.

Trish was in no mood for a back and forth “In that case let me hand you over to Dayo there who will direct you on the layout. Thanks for the help” She turned to leave “Oh and by the way, I’m taking this pro bono” The last thing she wanted was another date demanded from this.


George was in the backstage lounge ensuring that the Pastors were well attended to as well as aware of their schedules. He was also enjoying sitting down and soaking up wisdom- he took the moment as an opportunity as he was surrounded by great men and women of God.

The coffee jug had emptied so he got up to refill it. Just then he heard an unmistakable voice, sweet as ever, chatting with the team that was to lead worship in the corner. George’s eyes looked up and without a doubt there she was.

Sarah was in a blue dress holding a pink file and speaking to the team members. She spoke with poise and sweetness, George had to recall his own attention. He quickly dashed back to the safety of the other pastors not wanting to get ahead of himself or have his mind completely taken away by her.

It was almost time to start, he invited the Pastors to leave so as to be seated in good time. He was blocked on his way out.

“I thought I’d at least say hello” Sarah held out her hand.

“Hello Sarah, it’s been a while.” George had been going over this encounter ever since Trish had told him that Sarah would be coming but now he was faced with it he had no idea how exactly he was to handle it.

“Yup it has, I can see you’ve been keeping well” Sarah smiled at him, clearly not nearly as flustered as he was.

“Yeah I have, it’s actually a surprise to see you here. I thought you’d be in Vietnam?”

“Well Cambodia was actually my last mission’s trip, I’m presently on a six month leave before I’m sent out again”

“Ah, now isn’t that amazing?” George couldn’t help but note the sheer joy that bounced of her face as she talked about her ministry.

“What are you up to now?”

“Well still the youth pastor here, we have a growing congregation and God has been moving mightily.”

“I can see that. I really am glad I met you here George.” Sarah smiled.

“Yeah, me too” George was well aware of the dawning realization and heart settlement they both had.

“Well we need to get up now, bye” Sarah waved and went to join her team mates.

“Goodbye Sarah” George mumbled to himself as he walked out of the room.


The day’s events went on well, it was 11PM before George got back to his house. He resolved to pray for C before he slept as he needed to be well rested for the day that followed. She hadn’t shown up to any of the days but he was still believing that God was working in her.

After he prayed he sat down on his bed with his bible trusting that God may speak to him clearly concerning the message he was to deliver tomorrow. He had written down bits and pieces of it but for some reason it still didn’t feel whole.

Thirty whole minutes later George resigned, closed his eyes and slept.

2AM came and up he was again, so much for sleep. But this time it was not about C, or maybe it was. All he knew was that He knew what he was supposed to preach tomorrow and he had to write it down before he forgot.


C had spent the past two days at Eastwood Hotel working. They had invited her to redesign their conference room which had kept her well busy as they needed it done ASAP. With the walls already done, new lighting fixtures in place and the main table installed, there were very few details that still needed her attention but regardless she still showed up wanting an excuse not to go to the conference.

C walked towards the hall with her files in hand.

“Sweetie? Is that you? C sweetie?” C froze in recognition it was Uncle Jim.

She couldn’t fake it, she already had for all those years before she left home but now she could and would not fake it. C turned around and marched out of the hotel as fast as her legs could take her.

That disgusting pervert was here, that wretched man was here. C started to drive not knowing where at first she was going. She just wanted to go and be far away, any matter of distance did not matter as long as she did not have to face him. The man who dragged her into darkness was here. C did not want to be alone, she knew what could happen if she was. She needed light, she needed help.

Before she realized it C parked at the end of NB Church and walked in. She got out of the car too shaken to care about peoples glances, if any.

She was glad she had kept the ticket Carol gave her in her purse, handing it over to the ushers at the door she was directed to a seat close to the front.

C sat down and finally looked up to the stage, only to be met with George’s handsome face smiling back at her welcoming her presence.

“Now I’d first like to say a big thank you to my Senior Pastor and trusted mentor Pastor Steve Oloo for affording me the opportunity to speak to you all today. I must say that it was quite a ride with the events leading up to now but I do believe that God has placed something on my heart that he actually woke me up at 2AM to write down and share with you all. So without further ado I’d kindly invite you all to turn with me in your bibles to Luke 7:36-50

C had no idea what a bible was and was not about to ask, but something about the story he read out grabbed her attention.

“Here we meet Jesus in what is supposedly a ‘Holy environment’ the man whose house Jesus is in is identified as a Pharisee, who was a teacher of the law named Simon. So here Jesus is hanging out with his fellow righteous folk and then a sinner walks in and the atmosphere is instantaneously changed.

“I’d like us to look at the viewpoints of two people, the only two that matter in the context that I’m speaking in. The first is that of the woman. Her exact identity is said to be anyone’s guess but theologians have often dubbed her as Mary Magdalene due to the following chapter eight and verse two. If it indeed is Mary Magdalene one can only imagine the amount of sin that she had exactly as she was said to have been delivered from seven evil spirits- and you thought one was enough. With this alone the list of sins grows long starting with the seemingly smaller sins like lying, gossiping and cheating all the way to sins that in those days could get you stoned like prostitution, adultery and fornication. These may have been some of the seven signposts she had to hold up especially in an environment where people were holding up practically none.

“There seeming absence of signposts probably made her load seem even greater than usual. And here she was in the midst of all that. Knowing full well that she would be judged, ridiculed and condemned something kept her going. Her feet probably got heavier with each step but she was carrying a box that was precious. How do we know it was precious? Simply by the reactions of those around her when she broke it before Jesus- They said in John and Matthew that it was a waste of money and should have been used elsewhere.

“So here is this woman holding heavy signposts labeled with sin standing in the midst of a judging crowd holding what was probably the most precious thing she owned and she weeps. She doesn’t stand before the master but she weeps at his feet and as her tears drop down she takes the strands of her hair and she wipes them then she breaks the alabaster box and pours out her perfume onto his feet.

“A question ensues- why? Why would she or anyone do that? I mean ladies I have to ask would you take your new Chanel perfume and use it all up on washing someone’s feet? Crazy right.

“The next viewpoint is the one of Jesus, this is highlighted from verse 40-50 as he responds to the onlookers who were judging both him and the woman’s actions thinking that he wouldn’t want to be touched by her if he truly knew who she was. But Jesus was of a different opinion.

“Jesus speaks of two men who owed money, one who owed much more than the other and asks who would love the master more once forgiven of their debt? The one who owed more is stated obviously and Jesus demonstrates that that is exactly his point. That his work was not to stay amongst a holy environment because whilst seated in that environment no one was moved to do anything near to what the woman did nor were they convicted of themselves as much as she was because from their standpoint it was a game of comparisons and due to them owing less in their own eyes they were also in less need of a Savior.

“Jesus, however, first demonstrated that this woman’s awareness of her own sign posts made her in more desperate need for who He came to be. He also showed them what she felt and what invited her into to do this for him, he showed them all that the woman saw.

“His eyes held mercy and compassion, through him there was forgiveness of sins. Whilst others eyes shouted condemnation and doom His shouted love, hope and grace.

“The theme of this conference is ‘Alive Again’ so I need to spend my last moments talking to two groups of people. Maybe you are here and you have never even experienced the first part of that statement, you have been living but have never truly known what it means to be alive. Like this woman you have been holding up signposts that have been drawn out of your life of sin, bitterness, anger turmoil that has left you in a darkness that you’ve tried and struggled but no matter how much you work you can’t seem to get passed it.

“Some of you are on the second part where you tried to walk with God but fell of the chains at one point and now you are desperately trying to make your way back. Let me tell the both of you- the world is not Jesus. You see the world would say desolate, hopeless and dead to you and your situation. The world would give you medication on both sides of legality. The world would judge you harshly for the darkness that you’re presently living in.

“But then there is the view point of Jesus who looked on this dead, desolate and desperate person with compassion, love and mercy. The viewpoint of God who said to Ezekiel “Son of Man can these bones live?” a question which he answered years later by His Son strung out on a cross shedding his blood years later so that all the dry bones could live again. It is time for all dry bones, all dead situations and broken hope to raise up and be Alive Again! In Jesus name we speak life that comes from He who gave the breath of life!”

C’s heart was racing, she felt as if George had been talking directly to her that whole time. She couldn’t mistake the urge she felt deep within to go to the front as people were called for prayer. She didn’t know what that was either but for some reason she believed that she needed it. She wanted that love, grace and hope that George was talking about. She wanted that light that would chase away her darkness.

C got up and slowly started walking to the front with several others. Each step seemed harder than the previous. She was almost there when she saw Trish’s face smiling at her in that moment and said “Yes sweetie”.

C froze, her mind replaying that treacherous word that had tormented her as a child. C turned 180 degrees and went out the back door.

C could no longer hold the tears as she entered her car. She sat there and cried, bitterly with everything she cried. Who was this Jesus guy and why was he pursuing her so vehemently? More so, why did she feel like he was the only way out? Is that what she saw whenever she met with Trish and George? Every time she was with them she believed that there was more, there was hope, an escape- was He it?

“Jesus, I don’t know who you are, why you are or what you want with me. But somehow I know I need you. If you can take this darkness from me please do. I’m tired, so so tired of it. Help me”

C sobbed some more and almost didn’t hear the knock on her car door, it was Trish. C reluctantly opened the door.

“Hey, are you okay here?” Trish cautiously asked

“Getting there.” C mumbled.

Trish didn’t know what to say or where to begin.

C helped her as she looked at Trish through her teary eyes and asked “Trish, who’s Jesus?”

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