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The Progressing Heart - Part A

Trish had been sitting in C’s car for almost an hour. She was thankful that she had told Dayo to take charge while she stepped out or she’d have had to run back in quickly. C’s tears had ceased and the silence had not been intimidating but instead comforting.

Trish had not known what to say or where to start but she got into the car and sat while silently praying that the Holy Spirit might give her wisdom and more importantly finish the work He had started in C.

“Thanks Trish, for sitting with me. Thanks”

Trish not knowing if she really had done anything nodded her head slightly.

“C, Jesus is the utmost representation of love. And He has that love for you, a love that is unwavering and unchanged by anything you may do. When you’re ready He’s ready to welcome you any time.”

“Got it” C said now dismissing Trish.

“Well, I’ll be off now. But before I go I want to invite you to bible study. It’s basically a place where we search deeper into your question ‘who is Jesus’. It’s on every Friday, if you’re available please let me know and we may go together.”

C nodded her head and with that Trish exited, but C stayed a while. She was psyching herself up to go back to her house and not dwell on the former part of her day but the latter.

Trish walked back into the main sanctuary, setting down was well underway. Trish located Dayo quickly and was relived to find out that everyone was already working as originally assigned- she loved her team. She still hadn’t caught sight of Njeri and Ted since yesterday, she hoped that they were okay. Pulling out her phone to text Njeri, Trish’s eyes caught hold of the one person she was still unsure how to approach. Swallowing any lingering doubts she walked confidently to Sarah.

“Hey there girl, long time”

“Yes it has been indeed” Sarah embraced Trish who was shocked at first but happy it happened.

“So how have you been?” Trish inquired, genuinely interested to hear the answer.

“Well, very well. My goodness the stories I have to share!”

“I can imagine, if only you were crashing at my place tonight we’d have caught up all night” Trish said fondly remembering the endless nights they used to talk the night away.

“Do you still make the best cupcakes in town?” Sarah’s eyebrow raised quizzically.

“You bet!” The pair burst out laughing.

“I’ve missed you, all of you” Sarah’s smile held longing and past memories.

“And we have you, that voice of yours is as glorious as ever.” Trish honestly meant it. Sarah’s vocals had been a very huge part of their initial bonding.

“It saddened me that my break up wasn’t just with one man but an entire town”

“Oh dear, don’t say that. Everything just happened so suddenly and we all didn’t know where to fit into the equation” Trish stated the sad facts.

“Huh, well God is still good in all of that.” Sarah sighed.

“Indeed He is. You know what, how about we have that slumber party after all. Go ahead with your team and I’ll swing by the hotel right after I’m done here.” Trish knew she would probably regret staying up all night in the morning knowing full well that they had a lot left to do for the launch on Tuesday. But more important than fatigue was friendship and this was one she had let go in the midst of communal confusion, but she refused to continue letting close friends go for unclear reasons.


It had been three days since the conference and George was on his way from an open house with Peter.

Pastor Steve had given the entire staff a four day break so that they could re-energize for work. George was trying to use that time wisely and he had since learnt that Peter would be around for about a month managing some long term project his company was doing in town so today he was helping Peter look for a good rental that would last him his time here.

“Thanks for taking me man” Peter said, grateful for friends like him.

“Any time”

“And by the way that sermon was so powerful, the Holy Spirit was just dripping off of you”

“God be praised.” George was glad about all the good feedback that he’d been getting from Sunday’s sermon. However he knew what pride

could do and more so who gave him the opportunity and sermon in the first place.

“Indeed man, by the way I saw Sarah there- how did that go?”

“Much better than I’d imagined”

“Now that could mean anything” Peter said distinctly unsatisfied with the generalized answer.

George’s phone rang, it was Trish- he put it on speaker.

“Do you miss me already?” his mischievous voice started.

“Dream on brother.” Trish laughed, they were constantly for each other but also constantly at each other.

“What’s up?”

“Nothing just letting you know that I’ve emailed the ladies bible study schedule already so please remind Abby to print it out for the announcements pamphlet this Sunday once you get back to work.”

“Sure thing” a ding sounded in the background. “And is this the moment you invite me to have a slice of whatever you’re baking?”

“Can’t get anything past you, I promise single men have heightened senses when it comes to food” Trish’s amusement evident.

“I couldn’t agree with you more, we’ll be right over.” George cut the call before Trish had a chance to refuse.

“Up for something to eat?” He smiled at Peter

“I gather that’s your cousin” Peter deduced.

“Yup, the one and only Trish”

“After hearing so much about her it would be awesome to finally meet her in person. I’ve only seen photos and tasted her cooking thus far.

“Hehe, yeah, she used to drive down to campus sometimes with her homemade pie, to ease the bachelor’s life and simultaneously spy on his girlfriend”

“What is family for huh?” they both laughed.

Trish had been an amazing help to George throughout college, her campus was four hours away from him so they’d often visit each other whenever the opportunity arose. This was an especially helpful fact when Trish’s dad passed on in her third year. It had been a hard time on the family as a whole as he had been one of the pillars.

During that time Trish hid in his room for a whole week crying not wanting to be around her friends or to go back home just yet. It had been the first time in his life to see his bold strong cousin broken.

“Why George? WHY?” Trish shouted on the top of her voice. “He was so young and healthy, then suddenly gone? Why?”

George was left speechless, he had no answer for that. He had been in seminary for two years now and still was unsure of how to answer that question- why do good healthy young God fearing people die before their time?

It was in that time when he had gone searching for answers to his mentor- Peter. And it was there when he found the truth that even though it might be early in our timing, it was perfect in God’s and with that assurance we trust Him. In that assurance we leave Him as it were remaining enthroned on our hearts.

“So are you up to finally meeting her?” George returned the conversation to the pending question.

“Well, I’d say yes on any other day but I actually have to go and prepare for a meeting I have tomorrow.”

“No worries, where should I drop you off?”

“That bank would be okay, I have somethings to sort out.”

George drove into the parking right next to the bank.

“Thanks man” Peter turned to leave. Exiting the bank was a familiar face he was glad to see. “David, is that you?”

“The one and only man” David’s hands spread to indicate that. The two men walked back to George’s car.

“Giant slayer, what’s up man” George rolled down his window as he greeted Dave.

“Hey man, ah before I forget that sermon on Sunday evening bro. Like wow!”

“It’s all God.”

“Yup indeed, but you never mentioned that you’d be having a campus reunion?” Dave said referring to Peter’s presence. Peter and Dave had met severely while David visited George on campus and had Fifa tournaments with the boys. David had studied accounting in another town altogether but He and George had practically grown up together- however long the journey for either of them they decided that they would meet and do the necessary at least once a semester.

Peter had been introduced to George’s best friend then and the three of them formed a small prayer group that grew from three to thirty members in a span of two years.

“Nah, I’m actually in the area for work” Peter clarified

“Oh, explains a lot. And here I was almost getting sad that I was not invited.” David’s mock sadness was anything but convincing.

“Dave, I’m passing over by Trish’s place now- wanna come?” George had missed hanging out with his friend, they’d both been super busy recently.

“Free food? Yes please!”

“Let’s go man, see you later Peter!”

“Catch up with you later man!” David shouted and they were off.


Trish got off the phone with Pricsilla who was hosting bible study this week and sat in her new favourite couch in her remodeled sitting room, it has been a while since C had finished up with it. The fact still baffled her how fast C had gotten it done. This girl was one good, smart, hard worker who had passion for her work indeed. Trish giggled ‘God I wonder what a great asset she’d be to the Kingdom if she had such passion for you and your people.

‘Not if dear, when’

A stirring from within her spoke. Trish grinned from ear to ear about to burst out in joyous celebration when she heard a knock on her door.

“Did ya’ll even stop at the lights?” Trish said amused at how quick they had arrived as she opened her door to the two towering hungry gentlemen at her door.

“Good to see you too Trish” George hugged his cousin as he entered her house, David high-fived her and made a bee line to the kitchen. They had all grown up together and were practically siblings, Trish had grown accustomed to the fact that her fridge was not her own at a very early point in home ownership.

“Did you rest up well Pastor?” Trish asked George

“Oh the way I almost slept like a baby.” George called from the kitchen his head audibly in the fridge.

“Almost?” Trish said quizzically. David walked in with a plate half filled with cake and the other half full of whatever else he could get his hands on from the fridge.

“He’s been losing sleep because he’s dreaming of some girl” Dave winked at her while settling down very comfortably in the sitting room- he was home.

“Ah, and who is this mystery girl if I may ask good Pastor?” Trish’s voice full of mischievousness spoke up. George entered with a similarly heaped plate and sat at a spot in the right corner that he’d designated his own.

“Mwandi ask him!” Dave backed her as George got settled.

“Should we be getting ourselves ready for the special visit?”

“Was it a sign from the Lord?”

“Glory!” Trish’s hand went up in exclamation.

“Do the cow’s need to be prepared?”

“Oh brother we are ready.”

“Oh brother we are ready!”

The two burst out in laughter as they backed George into a corner. Alone each one could hold their own but together Trish and Dave were a force to be reckoned with- he’d been trying to for a good chunk of his life, still unsuccessfully.

“You two are a riot” George shook his head

“Why thank you.” David nodded to him.

“Leave your tips on the table on your way out” Trish pointed to the vintage piece that stood in front of them. “Okay but for real what’s going on?

Is there really someone there?” Trish pointed towards George’s heart.

“No more of here” George pointed to his brain “I keep getting woken up at odd hours to pray for C”

“Oh” Trish looked unamused at Dave “And here you had me excited”

“Well, I would be too if I saw even an inch bit of change in her. But lately all I feel is that I am losing sleep”

“Hold your horses there pastor, ‘God’s timing and all that’ remember that from your sermon?”

“Well yes I do, but not so much at two in the morning.”

“Lol, well it seems that you came for more than just my food.” Trish smiled at the boys “God is too interesting, Pastor George you wouldn’t guess what happened at the conference!”

“Sarah came?” David pitched in.

“Well apart from that, someone even less expected than her- C!”

George couldn’t hide his amazement. He had been so busy throughout the program, while he did spare a few glances but hadn’t seen her once.

“What? When? Where was I when this was happening?” George managed to form words through the excitement.

“You were on the pulpit delivering a killer sermon when I saw her entering. George It was such a God moment. She even got up for the alter call- but then she ran away though that’s not the point she was there George- those prayers weren’t in vain!” Trish triumphantly finished.

“Wow, indeed. God must really have plans for this girl if He’s working this hard”

“Or God might have plans for you that he wants to teach through this girl that you just have to go through the process to learn?” David chimed up.

It was times like this that George thanked God for sober minded friends who while respecting his position as a pastor didn’t put him so high on a pedestal that they couldn’t encourage and when necessary correct and even rebuke him too.

“You said she run away?”

“Yeah when she saw me, but then I went to the parking lot and found her huddled up in her car, she looked so scared and desperate. In clear need of a savior but in complete oblivion as to where that saving was to come from.”

“So, what happened?” David also engaged in the story.

“Well nothing immediately, we just sat there in silence for about an hour.”

“You silent for an hour? I really need to meet this girl!” David laughed while placing his now emptied plate on the stool beside him.

“A necessary silence that was followed by a deep sincere question: ‘Who’s Jesus?’ George God is doing something whether we see immediate change or not- He’s working on things as He planned.”

“We need only to be still, trust and obey” George smiled.

“How’d you know I was going to say that?”

“Only because that’s what He’s been telling me all week.” George knew God was up to something alright, he was just more than happy to be a tool on the way to accomplish His masterpiece.


C let the music blast in her car in order to distract herself. It had been a long grueling week of a lot of combat against H. H was in confusion as well as she did not know what to make of last weekend’s events. First there was seeing that man, they both couldn’t utter his name. What sort of ugly curve ball was that? And on that weekend especially! Then she ended up in church, like seriously?

C drove and drove to silence H whose rambling was deepening her eye bags daily. She knew where she wanted to go so was hoping for a Sunday like fluke and somehow just end up there. Too anxious C pulled into a café and ordered a cappuccino to gain some nerve.

Trish had sent her the directions on Tuesday “Just in case you decide to come” the text had read. Trish and George had relaxed on their persistence a whole lot since the conference had passed, C wondered if it was the fatigue of it all that had gotten to them as she was aware of their heavy involvement in it.

Finishing her cup too quickly to say she had enjoyed it C took a deep breath “Okay H, behave. I am going whether you like it or not!”

And with that bold declaration C got back into her car and drove all the way to what was now a suburb like area with single stand houses and lovely sizable yards. Driving slowly trying to locate the house number she’d been given C wondered if she was in the right location.

Coming to a halt at house number fifty-six C parked the car and waited. There were only two other vehicles in the parking lot, none she recognized. Turning up the volume of the music tapping the steering wheel as a distraction she looked around for any sign of familiarity.

There was a tap on her window.

C opened the window and turned down the volume. Standing before her was an interestingly dressed woman. She wore a chitenge robe that was slit at the waist as it went down to the floor revealing white trousers underneath. She wore comfy fluffy bed slippers and an elaborately done scarf around her head.

“Hey, are you gonna come in?” the lady asked C who had to call her attention back from awe.

“Um, yeah?” still uncertain of what exactly her plan was C responded.

“You must be C, right? Trish said you might be coming through.”

“That’s Trish alright” C mumbled and at that the lady burst out in laughter.

“You can say that again! Wow, I didn’t know you were a funny one. Come on in girl, the house is much warmer than out here.”

C didn’t need more encouraging, she grabbed her purse and followed behind the lady.

“Welcome through, my name is Priscilla by the way” The beautiful lady extended her manicured hand to C.

“Nice to meet you”

“The pleasures all mine. Are you coming in from work?” pointing directly at C’s outfit.

C didn’t know how to respond. She was in a full female suit with smart pants and flats to match. After feeling so out of place the first time she went to church in a short dress that she occasionally went clubbing with she didn’t want to mess up again and found the most conservative outfit she owned.

“Well, um, kind of”

“Then I’ll have to organize you some tea to relax and settle down. The rest of the ladies won’t be in for about an hour so that gives us some time to bond and chill”

In any other circumstances C would have cringed, ran, hid somewhere- anywhere to get away from the prospect of sitting in an enclosed space talking about herself. Now however for some strange reason C felt right at home.

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