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The Progressing Heart - Part B

George was enjoying a hearty meat pie in Mrs. Oloo's kitchen as he waited for Pastor Steve to come home finally. He had requested an evening meeting to discuss the boom of growth in the youth church since the conference they'd had one hundred new attendees and space was greatly reduced. They needed to plan strategically now before they missed the timing.

"Enjoying yourself I see" Mrs. Oloo noted, Carol always had a heart for the stomachs of young bachelors.

"Don't tell Trish but you know you make them best."

"Too late" Trish walked into the kitchen feigning hurt.

"Well the truth will set you free darling" Carol waltzed out with that, clearly joyful because of her triumph in the kitchen.

"She's been waiting to say that for a long time now. Look at you tainting my reputation, watch I'll get a lock for my fridge so you and Dave will be rerouted to Carols place"

"Remember that sermon on forgiveness.."

"No Pastor and please don't remind me." The pair chuckled.

"By the way I thought C would be here?"

"She called me earlier, she said she'd be attending a company event."


"Do I sense a hint of disappointment?" Trish teased.

"Trish darling, it's time to start." Priscilla’s voice rang from the sitting room

"I'll come grill you on this later" Trish winked at George as she grabbed a plate of fruits and proceeded to join the ladies.

George couldn't deny the fact that he was slightly anticipating seeing C as he had not done so since before the conference. Trish had told him that she had joined their bible study and attended every meeting for the past three weeks. It had been lovely hearing Trish's stories but it had also deepened his curiosity and was slightly disappointed that he wouldn't get to see it first-hand.

"Hey George, traffic heading out of town is hectic. How about we meet at Java instead?"

A text came from Pastor Steve.

George ate the last spoons of pie and started on his way out. Trying to be quiet as he passed through the sitting room on his way to the exit, the door swung wide open loudly and the sound of heels rang out- it was C.

She was dressed in a floor length dinner gown that hugged all her curves. Her shoulders were covered loosely by a thin see-through scarf. Her ears sparkled with diamond encrusted earrings, her hair was up in a bun that elongated her neck and drew focus to her face. All in all she was standing there looking stunning a vision indeed.

George reminded himself to keep moving, he had unconsciously stopped in his tracks on her arrival and was gazing intensely at her. He had never noticed before now that she was truly beautiful.

"Welcome dear, don't you look amazing!" Mrs. Oloo broke the silence got up and welcomed her in.

"Thank you, sorry I'm late we had an industry dinner that I had to attend”

"You're being too modest, but thankfully you have a friend like me who'll blow your trumpet for you" Trish spoke up "This gorgeous lady was one of the people being honoured in this year’s Landmark awards, I know you’re all clueless but they are basically awards for architects, Interior designers and others in that industry. She won one for her design of the National art Museums interior. You are looking at a renound designer."

The room filled with general awe and words of congratulations, some applauded as well.

"Why didn't you tell us dear, we would have done something to celebrate” Priscilla spoke up.

“I didn’t want you making a big fuss about it.” C’s voice didn’t sound convinced of the fact

“Oh well, either way congrats to you darling. Though you must be freezing in that dress, come through and get warmed up.” Mrs. Oloo spoke up “George, have a lovely evening” she said to him as he finally approached the door - most of the ladies had even forgotten his presence.

”Thanks Mrs. Oloo and goodnight ladies" George put his shoes on at the door and paused for a moment while exiting and turned "Congratulations C, I'm glad you're here” with that he was of.

George blasted worship music in his car loudly but no matter how loud it played it was not enough to distract him from the vision that replayed in his mind. C’s shy smile that complemented and contradicted her stunning beauty “God if you want me to keep praying for her please get that picture out of my head, I want to sleep without need for repentance” George prayed.

He knew the slippery slope of lust, he had counselled many men who had been entrapped in its claws and He was determined not to be a victim.

It had been in college when he was dating Sarah that he had had a struggle for his purity. He remembered one camp they’d had in Coast and he and Sarah had stayed by the beach side chatting for so long they’d forgotten about time. No one was looking for them or would know anything, in that moment George smiled at Sarah as they walked back to camp where they were met by Peter. He was not there by accident, George had sent out an SOS message to him indicating that he was in a Joseph moment except he didn’t want to run away.

George chuckled as he reminisced thanking God for friends like Peter, they had gone for a run soon after seeing that Sarah got in safely. Or make that a couple of runs, the temptation was too real. Pulling up into the parking at the front of the café George pulled his laptop case and exited the car. Pastor Steve was sat at a corner table looking in absolute confusion at his phone.

“Hello Pastor” George greeted him.

“Hey George, I’m trying to figure out to send a voice note on this phone, my daughter said I should send her one and I’ve been sitting here for almost thirty minutes trying to find out how”

George chuckled inwardly at the shear childlikeness His Pastor exhibited when it came to all things technology- he wasn’t afraid of it, he’d just take a few hours, or days, to finally figure out how it works.

“It’s over here, the microphone”

“I tried that already George, it keeps going off”

“Ah, you press and hold”

“Oh like this? I see, so now it’s recording?”

“Yes it is. Hi Patricia!”

“Oh yeah, Hi dear, I’ll message you after my meeting. Okay I’m done now how do I send it?”

“Just let go of the button.”

“You mean it’s that easy?”

“Hehe, that’s the aim of machines. To make an otherwise tedious process simpler”

“Or to confound the wise”

“Hehe, sorry you got caught in traffic”

“Yeah it’s okay, just didn’t anticipate it taking so long. Before we get onto todays agenda kindly pray for us”

George did just that and the meeting started. It had been times like this when George had learnt to pause and look, not at the person but at the leadership. Pastor Steve was Spirit filled and God lead- his leadership was second to none. Firm when necessary, gentle when needed. The decisions he made always seemed to be fit for the season and long term goals of the church. He sought God’s face daily and led by example in all areas. George couldn’t be happier having such an example at close range to study and hopefully emulate as he grew in ministry.

Another thing George had learnt was the importance of the right spouse. Caroline Oloo was a firehouse of a woman married to a firehouse of a man and together they led a powerhouse of a church. She was so active in the church there was no missing or second guessing who she was. She loved the word and God and spoke the truth boldly. Her heart for women’s ministry with the help of Trish and the team resulted in the dozens of women bible study groups throughout the church. George found it hard to believe the fact that this same lady was once described as a shy hard-to-get lady who didn’t give two hoots about God or those who worked for Him. Indeed He was a God of miracles.

“That sounds great George, I’d say that you have this Saturday as per usual but move to the main sanctuary the following Saturday” Pastor Steve concluded.

“Okay then, we’ll do that”

“God is doing amazing things this year”

“Yes he is”

“By the way what happened to that conference idea that Trish was on about, the one for women?”

“Oh that, we were hoping to have it in August so that there will be enough spacing from Alive again.”

“Get a concrete plan and present it to me next week”

“Yes sir” George was getting a lot of work in a short time, he kind of wondered why he was being given duties that would normally be handed over to Susan who was head of events and strategic planning.

“And before I forget George I’d like you to write up the agenda for next week’s Tuesday meeting. Communicate to all the departments beforehand and send me an email by Monday please.”

“Okay sir.”

“Great, I think that wraps everything up nicely. Let me pray and we can both head back to our respective houses.” Pastor Steve closed the meeting submitting the discussion into God’s hands. “Off home to the beautiful lady, George you need to hop on this marriage train soon too so

you can understand the beauty of it”

“Soon enough, Pastor Steve”

“Yup, soon enough indeed. Just remember that it doesn’t all look like we planned it.”

Pastor Steve headed out first and George quickly followed. It had been a good meeting that left him with a lot of work and afterthought. Getting home George washed up and snuggled into bed hopping to at least catch a few hours of sleep so as to tidy up his preparation for tomorrows youth service.

Like clockwork he was up again, it was 2AM he was on His knees praying for C. George had thought that this would end with the conference but instead it had now become a cemented part of his nightly routine. All he hoped was that God may do whatever He was planning soon so he could reclaim his one hour of sleep.

C got back home from bible study and placed her award in the dining room cupboard- she was too tired to look for a good position for it and didn’t like disorder in her house.

C prepared for bed and was removing her earrings when a flash of Georges face came to her mind, a million questions poured in. What was with the expression on his face? Was he confused by what she was wearing? Was it not appropriate to be in front of a pastor in a dinner gown? Had she made another blunder in front of all these ladies, did she now need to be prayed for? She’d heard of places where people were excommunicated because of attire- was that now going to happen to her? But wait, she thought, she’d seen a similar look before. It hadn’t called her whore but it instead called her pretty. Goodness- did she just make a pastor fall?!

“Hehe, really are you listening to yourself?” H chimed up “Ati ‘He thinks I’m pretty’ where did you get that nonsense from?” not sparing a blow from her cabinet H went on taunting her for even considering the possibility that it might not be condemnation but adoration that came from Georges eyes. “Even if it was that, don’t you remember the last time you were looked at like that? Mmhmm you’re a snack alright girl- tell yourself that. He called you beautiful right? Took care of you right?” H was on a roll and not about to stop.

“You loved him and he loved you, we’ve heard all of that before. Then look what happened- oh oh! All men want the same thing from you, did you not notice the way that ‘Pastor’ examined your body- you’ve seen that all before stupid WAKE UP! They are all the same, men are all the same”

“Don’t speak about George that way he’s..” C tried to defend him.

“Different? Sure he is, so was Reuben. Come on you remember- he was ‘the one’ and he loved what he saw so much that he had to share it, or should I say sell it to the highest bidder”

C sure did remember as much as she didn’t want to, it was her second semester in university when she moved in with Reuben. He had pursued her for months and she had fallen for his sweet little nothings. After dating for four months it made more sense to both of them that she just move in with him. It had been a dream, nothing in comparison to her childhood home. He sometimes brought home flowers, would once in a while cook for her and he knew what to say in the bedroom.

Though he also had a keen inkling towards the same special juice that daddy had. But hey he was still sweet and very different from Uncle Jim. And after all she was not abused, even when he failed his third year and his drinking habit got worse he was still okay. Even though he’d sometimes call her ugly and compare her face to manure in the garden C knew that she was not abused. She’d seen abuse, mummy was abused. Abuse came with bruises that had to be covered by hours of make-up. He was great even though he’d call her course ‘cute’ and spend hours laughing at and ridiculing her dreams. Reuben was alright even though he’d sometimes come home and command her to lay down though she was not in the mood. He was depressed and he needed her, she was not abused. Even when he got into an argument with his supervisor and came home boiling mad and then dragged her across the kitchen floor by her hair while she was cooking because she’d forgotten to add ice to his whiskey. She was not abused, mummy had been abused- she was alright.

This is how C had convinced herself to stay in that toxic relationship for three years. Without realizing it she was entrapped in the lies of a man like her father who she’d sworn to never end up with. She was in six feet deep and seemed more willing to get a coffin than to walk out. She could handle the harsh words, excuse the sometimes crass behavior; he didn’t hit her, he didn’t kick her so she was okay. Was this the lie mummy kept on telling herself? She wondered, before she found herself deeply rooted and entangled in a poisonous jar labelled as love.

Then one day it went too far, Rueben had gone on a work trip- or so he told her. It was a two day trip so she was all alone at home which was great as she had her final exam the next day and needed to spend the time studying. She was getting herself another cup of coffee when there was a pronounced knock on the door. It was 9PM and she wasn’t expecting anybody. Over the years she’d slowly but surely shut everyone out paying focus and attention only on her relationship and school work. This had done wonders for her academics as she’d (much to Reuben’s annoyance) excelled. However it had done the opposite for her social life as she was in her second last semester of university and had near to no friends. And even those she had came to her mainly for notes.

She checked the door before opening, maybe it was Reuben- had he come back home earlier to surprise her?

“Hey, I’m Ben. Reuben said I should meet him here.” The man on the other side of the door shouted.

“Just a second” C first looked for her phone to confirm the story

“Hey sweetie, yes I’m on my way just let Ben in and I’ll come soon enough” Reuben assured her.

And with that C opened up the door, poured the guy a drink and went back to her studies. Three drinks and one hour later C was ready to show this guy out ‘let’s give him a few more minutes’ she said to herself as she sat with her books what she thought was a safe distance from her guest.

A few minutes proved to be too many as he got up and made his way to her “What time are we going to start?” He managed to slur out.

“Start what?” C couldn’t think of anything but started to pack up her books just in case.

“You know” The guys hairy hand attempted to stroke her cheek. C backed away in haste, holding her books up in defense.

“Reuben’s going to be back soon, and I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate you touching his girl”

“Haha, you are a dumb one” Ben’s laugh was mocking. C started to back away slowly not knowing how far she’d have to go.

“Leave me alone, you hear!”

“No I don’t hear, look I already payed for this now give me my cookie girl”

And with that C kicked him right where it hurt and made a beeline to her room where she locked herself in. “Get out or I’ll call the cops” she shouted at the man not wanting to take any more chances. After being raped so many times growing up C had made self defence classes a priority when she came to college, however after getting into a relationship she didn’t think she’d need them. She didn’t think a lot of things would happen after she got into a relationship yet here she was hiding in her room from a man her boyfriend had sent to sleep with her. And what was worse was that he’d been paid- was he making himself her pimp?

Something ripped out of C’s heart that night, she’d already had it fragmented time and again while growing up but this time it cut to the core. Her illusion of love was over and now she was able to see the truth through Reuben’s eyes- she was nothing but a whore. A house cleaning, food making, bill paying whore.

C played music loudly through her phone as she struggled with all her mind to focus on her books. She knew what she was capable of when she had been hurt, her arm shone that fact so she instead choose the books. She wanted to distract herself from the dawning reality, she wanted to shut out the truth, to shut out the pain.

At 4AM when she was sure that the man had left she took her packed bags and left the apartment. She’d seen this before when her mom didn’t do something that ended up costing her dad money. She knew that getting dragged across the floor was a fun ride in comparison to what a steaming mad, heavily drunk and embarrassed Reuben might do if he came back home to find her. She didn’t know if she was ready to meet whoever brought her into this forsaken planet just yet. She left and never returned.

C had received all sorts of looks from classmates for bringing her suitcases to an exam, she had no time to care though and also none to stay and correct their thinking. Reuben knew where she was and she was not taking any chances of bumping into him. C got onto a bus and rode it out until the final stop. She got off and looked around at her unfamiliar surroundings. Walking with suitcases in hand C was glad that this had happened at the end of her semester. Tired of wondering around carrying her now heavy luggage she stepped into a bar that she’d already passed three times.

She was no stranger to alcohol, once she was old enough to know what it was she had started replacing daddy’s ‘juice’ with water, a habit that abruptly ended when her mum caught her drunk in her room and dealt with her sternly.

She knew that drinking didn’t cause amnesia, she knew that she would feel every bit of pain plus a splitting headache and strong need to vomit the next morning. But the pain could make her numb, at least for a day. After all numbness was better than pain, and dogs were better than men.

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