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The Joyful Heart

C woke up gasping for air, she fumbled around for her lamp switch. Once she had gotten to it she sat up. The dream she just had had been dramatic. She was used to nightmares, that's why she preferred not to sleep too long, this though had been different. There were the screams of the clawed creatures that usually came for her. There was an incomprehensible darkness that seemed to get deeper every time she saw it. There was the taunting and laughter that sucked out every amount of hope she had left. This time though there was a light.

It had started as a flicker almost 4 weeks ago, a small glimmer of light piercing through the darkness. But today it came in like a vast strong beam of sun, it obliterated the darkness and took away all the cold and hopelessness.

"Come C, come to me" a voice originating from the light spoke softly to her.

She started towards its direction but claws came out of the darkness and held her refusing to let her go. She didn't know what to do, she tried to scream for help but a hand covered her mouth and pulled her back to the darkness. She turned and squirmed but she kept going deeper into the darkness until she was almost consumed. The last blanket of darkness was covering and depression resettling.

"STOP NOW!" The voice from the light boomed out.

"Hehe, but she likes it here" the creatures taunted her laughing into the darkness and with that she woke up.

This was the first time the light had been that grand or said anything at all. She looked at her bedside clock, it was 4AM in the morning. C bustled out of bed and decided to start her day.


It was 4 AM in the morning and George still hadn't slept from his 2 AM prayer call. It had been intense today, he felt he was battling for C's life- this was spiritual warfare.

George got up and went to the kitchen where he made himself a cup of hot chocolate. He was not sure what God was doing but he knew his role was obedience. He was learning persistence, he was learning warfare. Certain lessons didn't require a classroom but an experience and at the end of this George was sure he'd probably be able to write books on the two topics. A month of 2 AM prayers he'd have hoped for more progress but who was he but a vessel?

George had been looking for an opportunity to meet C again but it was already Wednesday and a week was about to pass since that day at bible study. His mind went briefly to the Friday night when she walked in, he put on some music on his phone. He did not want that image to be the last thing he thought of before he slept.

Wait a minute, she was honoured and had received an award. Isn't that cause to celebrate? Planning parties was by default Trish's duty but he got a nearby piece of paper and labeled it: C's Congratulatory Party.

Over the next 30 minutes he put down names of people to invite, a venue, date and time with a few ideas of food items and made a WhatsApp group with the same title. Putting the paper aside he was happy with his progress and rushed quickly to his bed to catch the last hour and half left of sleep.


Dawn had awoken Trish to a loud stream of notifications, she usually switched of her Wi-Fi before going to bed but had forgotten to do so the night preceding. Trish grabbed her phone and put it on silent mode, she did not like spending her first moments in the morning head deep in what was happening around her. She needed to touch base with both herself and God.

An hour later Trish sat at her kitchen table munching on a scone for breakfast when she finally started sorting through the messages. She noticed a new group, she was constantly muting then silently exiting the ones she felt pointless. The title caught her eye, it was created by George 'C's Congratulatory Party'. Typical, this man had no imagination. Trish scrolled down to see all that had been done so far and where she came in. The party was on Saturday at George’s place which was big enough to fit a couple people, not the usual bachelor size apartments. He'd invited Peter, Dave and their entire bible study group. Trish knew that some of the ladies came with a significant other.

Trish immediately saw what else was needed to be done and took the reigns from there. This was going to to be an epic bash and C was going to enjoy it whether she intended to or not. It had been interesting seeing C interact with more than her and George. The ladies at bible study where a hot bunch that could thaw even an iceberg a drift from Antarctica.

C had been shy at first but now was increasingly vocal, asking questions when she didn't understand and engaging in debate when things didn't make sense. She made one thing clear, she had not come merely to accept new information, she had come for understanding and was determined to gain it.

One topic that they seemed to keep circling back to was love. It was something that was such a foreign concept for C that she'd asked severely why and how? It often tied in with conversations on who God was. It was in moments like that that Trish was grateful for the abundance of wisdom that surrounded her. From Priscilla to Sandy to Caroline there was no shortage of wise counsel ready to step in and speak.

Trish got ready for her day. She had an eight o’clock meeting in town that she now needed to rush to.

After bustling into the office Trish was glad that her meetings had all gone well and she was now having a breather in Bristo’s, it was her go to chill spot. She sat in the corner booth with a book out slowly sipping her masala tea. She glanced up and looked at the chairs where she and C sat the last time they’d been here, or more accurately where C had sat for an hour waiting for her as she rushed in after trying to sort out the flood at her place. It was really amazing how far their friendship had gotten, it still had a long way to go but it most definitely was moving in the right direction.

“I’m assuming this is a coincidence” a deep male voice spoke to her. Trish put on her automatic smile as she knew too many faces to put names too.

“Well hey…” Trish paused as recognition once again dawned on her. This was now the third time she had bumped into this guy and was seriously puzzled. “Coffee guy”

“Ahh, so we have nicknames now?”

“Sorry I just didn’t manage to catch your name on any occasion.”

“That’s okay but first let’s put this away” He said holding C’s cup and putting it a safe distance away.

“Hehe, can never be too safe.”

“Yup and I still have some meetings in the afternoon so I’m hoping this shirt will last till then”

“You’ve got jokes”

“Well it’s also the bachelor’s lifestyle, minimal clothing worn minimal laundry needed to be done.”

“I’m actually surprised that you’re still around, I assumed that you came in for the conference”

“Well that was more of a happy coincidence, I have some business in this neck of the woods that corresponded perfectly with the conference dates so I just booked an earlier ticket and came in for both.”

“Wow, glad you did. And did you enjoy the conference?”

“Yes indeed, it was amazing. God really moved and it was nice to sit in those pews again”

“Yes, hundreds of people came to the faith and a lot recommitted their lives to Christ”

“Shows you that God is still in business”

“And He’s not about to close shop” the pair giggled.

“That looks like an interesting book your reading”

“Yeah well I do love my fair share of fiction”

“Francine Rivers, deep stuff.”

“You know her? Like seriously? You’re a guy and you know her- wow!”

“Okay” he seemed a bit confused by her statements.

“Oh, well let me explain- it’s just that a lot of her stories are romance themed so it’s rare to find a guy who actually know her. Like wow.”

“Hehe, don’t worry I get you. I actually know her through my younger sister- she literally has a collection of her books and I try to get her a new one every Christmas”

“I would so get along with your sister, kindred spirit”

“Wow, in fact that is what started her pathway to become a Christian.”

“Really, how so?”

“Well, it’s kind of a long story but here are the highlights. We all grew up in church but she really hadn’t made a true commitment to God. She was going through her own things in high school that I wasn’t fully aware off and it made her question the reality of God. What made it worse was when our dad was diagnosed with Alzhiemer’s she lost all shreds of faith she ever had. It became hard to get through to her. I was in university at the time and I found a book in my friends place one day, I had been left alone studying.

“For some reason I read through that book from cover to cover and in a matter of hours I was convicted all over again. But more so I got a tugging in my spirit to give her that book. I asked my friend to borrow it and said I’d return it once done. She devoured that book, was brought to tears- so she tells me. Then from it she went on to read more of them and finally settled on the Bible the most powerful of all. It was the knock-out punch that made her fall in love with Jesus.”

Trish was amazed, that story had touched her heart and passion- women. She always loved hearing testimonies of how people came to Christ. “Now that is what you call God at work”

“Indeed it is, oh wait- is that the time?” He called over a waiter to their table “Kindly replace this ladies drink, thank you”

“No need for that” while flattered by the gesture Trish still had things to get to.

“Well actually we’ve been talking so long that I’m sure that your cup is now cold and I have to head out for another meeting so it will be a safe zone in which you can drink”

“Really, lol.” Trish chuckled.

“Enjoy the rest of your day, hope to bump into you again soon. Figuratively this time though.” He smiled and with that he was gone.

Trish’s smile lingered only to be awakened by the waitress placing her fresh tea on her table. “Oh thanks for that, and may I please have the bill?”

“No need Miss T, the guy you were with already paid for everything.”

‘Hmm’ Trish thought, not wanting to make a big deal out of a simple kind gesture. However she couldn’t deny the fact that she had actually enjoyed their time chatting and unlike their previous encounters there was no uneasiness or awkwardness but more of calmness and familiarity. She didn’t know why they kept bumping into each other but she wouldn’t mind there being a fourth time.

Trish Picked up her phone and started doing a bit of organizing for C’s surprise, they wanted to make it big yet comfortable.

Guys so I already ordered the banner and the disposable utensils in the theme colour. Let’s just be reminded of our duties.

-Priscilla, George and Dave are on set up and décor

-Caroline and Sandy will deal with the food

-Sammy will take up his usual role as DJ

-And I will be the bringer of the package


Hey, Steve’s asking if he can help?


Oh Carol I’m sure you’d be best in placing him. Oh and before I forget kindly don’t mention the fact that Pastor Steve is, well, a Pastor. C has Bishop anxiety- ask George.


Hehe, I see you Trish. Lol. But seriously kindly don’t, she might do a Joseph on us if she found out there was more than one of me in the room.


Hehehe, are you Potiphar’s wife?


No but I’m much smarter than Goliath Dave.


Trish put her phone down as she downed the rest of her tea, those two will be at it until they remembered it was a group chat. That or if someone else intervened, they were too used to her so her pleas meant nothing- well that and they were particularly skilled in drawing her into their foolishness, she wasn’t ready for Carol to experience that side of her just yet. She might add funny to her long list of ‘likable traits’ for whenever she was trying to set up Trish with a new guy.

With that she packed up and headed out.


Caroline chuckled as she stared at the stream of messages on the group. She often loved just sitting back and enjoying the company of the youth that she was constantly surrounded by. She did have many companions her own age but God had placed her with this particular group of people and she was loving it thoroughly.

George and Trish had grown up at the church. It was interesting to think that they were in their primary school days when she was also getting acquainted with the church.

It had been a long journey for her and she was grateful to God for every step of the way. Trish had been a great source of help with the women’s ministry with what was originally two bible studies to now over two dozen. With her knack for strategic planning and Spirit led insight she was indeed an answer to prayer. Also over the years Carol had been able to relieve some of her duties and focus on other things.

George had also helped a lot though the first year had been rough for the young man. He had come home from seminary with a fiancé. They all loved and cherished her but a few months into them being back the cracks in their relationship started to show. This had taken away a lot of focus from George, Steve and her both prayed if it had been a right choice by employing him and also for wisdom to handle it.

A few more months down the line Sarah, Georges fiancé, packed up and left town. She had been staying in an apartment with Trish at the time and the two had bonded greatly. After the break up George went through a state of minor depression and major confusion- it had been a battle in prayer for both his life and calling. Now here they were four years after that point and the guy was a valuable weapon in Heavens arsenal.

God was doing amazing things through his ministry and if the weekend that passed was any indication as she heard that fifty more people had attended the already packed youth Saturday service and they had now officially outgrown the old tent.

Carol registered the relief and growing joy in her husband as he watched George sprout. God was doing a major work and answering their prayers all at the same time.

“Hey mum, please call me when you can”

A message from her daughter came in. Carol didn’t have a lot of time before she needed to leave for a meeting.

“I’ll do so in the evening dear, please text if it’s urgent and will call immediately.”

Carol replied, she always did her best to make her child know she was heard and loved. Micaela was literally her personal gift from God. It had been after her conception that Caroline had finally let go of all her baggage, all her anger and guilt. It had been a long road of healing that had had to have taken place for her- she’d never imagined that she’d ever give birth with all odds against her: but God.

When Micaela turned two God led Caroline to begin the healing ministry she now headed in church. It had been a long and slow process but it was a necessary one that God had done amazing things in. She and Trish had already started putting forward plans for this year’s healing seminar. With all the good reports Caroline still felt that there was more that was to be added to their programs. She’d prayed and prayed but all God had said was “In my time”. So she’d continued on her path and moved forward in obedience knowing that God was planning something that she couldn’t wait to witness.


C lifted the table carefully out of her boot which had been only half closed for the duration of the journey home. C had had to rush through heavy town traffic to make it to the workshop in time to pick up this piece. They were remodeling another office and she had had the CEO’s office tables custom carved. Whilst the bigger pieces were taken by the movers she wanted to keep a special eye on the coffee table as it had some glass bits that she would not risk breaking.

She got into her place and took a long shower, after which she took a hard long look at her wardrobe. C had told her that they’d be going out for dinner to celebrate her award and had told her to dress nice. After one bad clothing choice on the first ‘surprise’ event that Trish had taken her too C was taking no chances. She was looking for a floor length dress- which were scarce in her wardrobe. Giving up on the dress idea C grabbed a monochrome off the shoulder peach jumpsuit and paired it with a statement gold necklace and bracelet to pair. She gathered her hair so it could cascade down at the back and secured both sides with pins.

C’s mind went briefly to last nights bible study meeting. They had talked about and interesting topic that she was not really familiar with- grace. They had spoken about how God’s grace is undeserved kindness or as Sandy put it “God’s riches at Christ’s expense”. C had always seen the term as one used to address royals or to describe a delicate soft spoken person. All she’d ever heard about God previously was His wrath and doom but this month she was hearing about sides to Him that were making her think. She was still trying to figure out if He was real or not, and if He was did she want to believe in Him or hate Him?

As she applied her make up C’s mind went further on last Friday's meeting or more so to her entrance, or even more specifically peoples reactions to her arrival. Oh, who was she kidding- her mind was fixated on George. He had looked at her so intensely that she didn’t know whether to smile or hide.

“Ugh heart we’ve already had this conversation, let’s not go back there.” C said to H before she commenced her attack. Her doorbell rang as she was applying her dark purple lipstick on, she went to open up for Trish.

“Wow, don’t you look gorgeous!” Trish exclaimed. C was looking good Trish didn’t know if she should just take her to a hotel to make the effort worthwhile.

“Too much?” C actually wanted an indication not desiring another surprise.

“Are you kidding me? More like I need to step up. Okay let’s go sweetie.”


“No, to the left!” Priscilla was beginning to lose her patience. She knew George was her pastor but was it okay to shout if he was getting on her last nerve? Decorations should have been finished an hour ago but here they were five minutes before C’s anticipated arrival and they were still hanging up the banner.

George sighed feeding off her frustration. Getting to today had been more hectic than anticipated. One of the kids in the teen church had sent him a worrying text so he’d had to leave mid preparations to go and speak to him. After which he was sent by Trish to go and pick up a group gift and cake that lead him into traffic. By the time he got back stress was on everyone’s faces. He thanked God that Peter had come through as an extra pair of hands really helped.

“Guys let’s gather round and pray for a second” Carols booming voice called everyone to attention. “God we know that you brought each and everyone of us here for a purpose higher than a mere celebration but as an expression and demonstration of love. Dear God use us as your hands and feet reach out and touch C’s heart. Lord I also pray for ourselves that our stress may be swept up and replaced with joy. Help us not miss our positioning and portion tonight as well. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.”

Exhaling the room went about their business, hustling to clear up quickly.

“Guy’s I see a car coming this way” Sandy who’d appointed herself as the lookout shouted. Everyone hustled and finished all they were doing setting themselves up in their places and dimming the lights in anticipation.

The car parked and they heard echoes of heels approaching the main door. The key turned and opened:

“CONGRATULATIONS!” The room roared.

C stepped back slightly taken, with her hand holding her chest and mouth slightly ajar. Clearly blindsided and in absolute confusion as to what an appropriate response would be, Trish took the cue and hugged her.

“Surprise darling and congratulations” Trish held on to her tightly. A hug to serve two purposes- first to ease C’s heart and secondly to ensure that she did not run away.

Carol approached the two and ushered them further into the room and Sandy took the cue to close the door firmly shut. All escape roots blocked off C would stay and enjoy herself by all means necessary.

Sammy started the music and people went about interacting with one another. George went to the kitchen to bring the beverages front and center. He wanted to go straight up to C but also didn’t want to intimidate her by talking to her immediately as he had done at the mixer at church. He walked into the living room with a crate of drinks and started putting them on the counter top and he was met by Pastor Steve.

“Well we surprised her alright.”

“Hopefully not too much.”

“Hehe, Carol told me that you and Trish have been ministering to her for quite a while”

“Yup, God is doing something. I may not see it yet but I’m sure of it.”

“What you can see now though is that she does look pretty.”

“Pastor Steve!” George said jokingly, knowing that their were no ill intentions behind the statement.

“Carol know’s it too!” Pastor Steve chuckled. “Though in my experience sometimes the most beautifully clad have the deepest of wounds.”

George looked up and observed C more keenly. She was beautiful but her smile was tight lipped, her movements measured and gestures unsure. ‘God I know there’s probably a lot more going on than know but at least tonight fill her with joy Lord’ George prayed silently.

Trish walked upstairs to fill her part of the card that they had bought for C. The surprise was a success and she was glad. It had been an hour so far and C was still here. She and Dave had nearly bet on how long she’d stay, if they had Trish would be owed a well done rack of ribs. Trish waltzed down the stairs with the envelope and put it in a cupboard in the kitchen to be retrieved at the right moment. She grabbed a plate and filled it with a few dishes turned to rejoin the party.

“Easy now” a guy stood in Trish's new direction.

Trish paused and blinked hard. Her eyes couldn’t believe who was standing in front of her. After all the event’s she’d planned in life she was accustomed to unexpected occurrences but this one right here was out of her radar.

“Umm, Hello.” The man spoke again, waving his hand in her face as if trying to bring her thought process back to earth.

“Uh, hi? Yeah, hi, hello. How…what…who? Huh.” Trish didn’t know what to ask first with each question overlapping with the next. This was the fourth time she had met this man in the past month and the second time this week.

“Hehehe” the guy chuckled with a cheesy smile Trish couldn’t help but admit was cute. “Allow me to introduce myself.”

“Please do because I’m seriously so confused right now.”

The man put his plate down and Trish followed suite not knowing what was coming up. Was he a long lost family member or about to announce himself as an angel sent from God?

“My name is Peter and it’s a pleasure to finally officially meet you Patricia.” His hand outstretched holding and then shaking hers.

Trish’s neurons took a few more seconds to redirect all their signals. Peter? As in George’s Peter? The guy she’d somehow missed meeting each time she went to visit George. The one who’d diligently help clear out all food she’d sent over and who particularly liked her apple pies? The guy who’d taken George under his wing in seminary and prayed with both him and Dave diligently through college.

Pieces of the puzzle were fitting into place and all they’re encounters made a lot more sense.

“Wow, now that makes sense. Goodness I was about to file a police report- four times can’t be a coincidence.”

“Hehe, oh wow. Did I seem like a stalker?”

“Well you just kept showing up- what was I supposed to think?”

“Divine connection?”

“Yup, I hear it- you are definitely Peter. Pastor Doris’ classes right?”

“You know about that?”

“How could I not? George called everything divine for the entire summer holiday- even the porridge! I couldn’t.”

“Hehe, we are sorry”

“You’re forgiven, at least it wore off soon after. That and the fact that you loved my pies so much- unlike someone else who is busy promoting Mrs. Oloo’s pies.” Trish’s voice raised as George entered the kitchen purposefully for him to hear.

“Huh, what? Who did that?” George feigned ignorance.

“Come on guy, when did your name become Judas?” Peter spoke up in Trish’s defense.

“You see what happened, I was on a journey and then my eyes were blinded briefly.” George attempted to counter.

“Eh, on the road to Damascus?” Peter commented

“More like the road to denied fridge access!” Trish poked back. The two laughed and high-fived each other.

“Dear Lord, I need knew friends.” George looked to the ceiling as he sent up a prayer.

“Ask and it will be given unto you!” Trish boldly stated.

“Seek and you shall find.” Peter continued, both completely unfazed by his attempts to replace them.

“Wow, after seeing how well you two sync in ganging up on me I’m so happy that you didn’t meet any sooner.” George expressed his sincere relief. Honestly it was a bit bizarre how Peter and Trish always seemed to just miss each other during their college days. Even one time when Peter was heading to George’s place specifically to meet with her but got stuck in traffic for two hours after which he was called back home for an emergency. George was glad that two important people in his life were finally getting an opportunity to meet.

“Hey Peter, come let me introduce you.” Dave’s voice called out.

“I guess that’s my queue.” Peter walked out of the kitchen to join the rest.

“So that’s the mystery man?” Trish commented on his departure.

“Yup, a cherished companion.”

“Honestly after only speaking to him briefly I can tell how you get along. By the way you picked up the cake right?”

“It’s in the fridge.”

Trish retrieved the cake out of the fridge and proceeded with George to where everyone was.

“Be careful Trish.” Priscilla cautioned her while pointing to the tiny puddle of spilled juice. Trish tiptoed round it and placed the cake box on the table.

“Attention everyone!” Sammy turned down the music and everyone turned their attention to Trish. C was standing beside Carol and Priscilla with David opposite who was previously trying to engage in very energetic conversation. Trish wasn’t sure if C had positioned herself there for comfort or protection- Dave could get very enthusiastic.

“Hey so as we all know we are here today to celebrate our very own C who was honoured at this year’s Landmark awards. C we are very glad and pray that levels will keep going higher in all that you do. So without further ado we bought a cake and card to celebrate. George will present the card as I prepare the cake.”

George stepped forward to present the card as Trish started to remove the cake from it’s box.

“C it has only been a few months yet it feels much longer that we’ve known you. Whilst not knowing the fullness of what the award may mean to you we at least have tried to express what you mean to us. You are cherished and we-“

“Psst, George?” Trish whispered loudly cutting him of slightly.

“We celebra-“

“George!” Trish whispered louder.

“We celebrate you!” George finally got out.

“George” Trish now spoke up drawing his attention. George turned around to look at Trish who was pointing at the cake now placed on a cake stand on the table. He looked at the cake and noticed the mistake engraved.

Right there on the cake was written ‘Congratulations Cecily on your baby girl!’

“So what exactly did you tell them when you were picking this up?” Trish said quick in what was meant to be a soft tone, not wanting the whole room to hear. Her slight annoyance was clearly heard regardless.

“I said a congratulations cake for C”

“Wrong C George, I told you to do one thing.” Trish’s finger took a small dab of icing and placed it quickly on George’s nose before he had an opportunity to retreat.

“No you asked me to do ten.” George retaliated by taking a bigger portion of icing and dabbing it on Trish’s cheek.

Trish stepped back anticipating another strike and immediately started swinging her arms for balance. She had stepped into the puddle of juice and was now going down. In her descent Trish grabbed George’s shirt who was taken by surprise- she wasn’t going to go down alone. The two hit the floor.

C couldn’t hold it in anymore and burst out laughing. The entire room followed suit. The sheer ridiculousness of it all was just hysterical. George stretched his hand to help Trish up who got up and quickly took one last lick of icing and this time planted it on his forehead. George turned his head to face the room of people. He paused and absorbed- C’s head was tilted and her eyes were closed with one hand placed on her abdomen and another on Priscilla’s shoulder as she laughed.

It was the first time George had seen this, he looked onto her face and it radiated joy. All the mishaps and efforts for the day were all worth it now- just to see her smile. His heart was content. God had answered his prayer, He’d given C Joy.

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