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To HER - the precious gem

Woman, virtuous woman how rare are you beauty, rubies fill the earths surface more than you rare gem so valuable that determining her worth with manly currencies would be an injustice to her reality. How smart are you that everything you touch oh virtuous woman glows back at you in awe as flowers beam back at the sky from which the rain falls and sun shines in perfect balance- as you from a house make a home, from a seed make a human, whatever you are given you make it far greater than even it knew it could be.

She sets about her work vigorously, she is strong for the task and works diligently, She is graced for the task and does it intelligibly, she is blessed in the task as she wisely carries out the task with integrity and for it she is known famously. She is compassionate and abounding in love Oh Virtuous Woman extending her hand to the needy, making shelter for the homeless in her dwelling place, a mother to the motherless her love is not exhausted but with grace she is restored to give out more. Her eyes know true value as her life lacks none for she does not waste time and energy on what is worldly but on what is worthy of it. She is clothed with strength and dignity, She can laugh at days to come as joy is synonymous with her home.

She sits at the feet of those who've gone before her and gleans wisdom. She holds the hands of those around her knowing that a mighty army is more powerful than a lone solider, gossip and slander is far from her tongue but instead she uses it to encourage and cheer those who walk with her on as they do the same for her, linking arms and surrounding her advancing together unto their purpose- journeying onto woman. Under her wings She envelopes younger ones and with her lips gives faithful instruction. Her tongue is not feared but respected, her words are abounding in love and honour.

Grace reflected as beauty is shone from her face. She walks with her head high not to be mistaken for pride but confidence in the assurance that she indeed is the Great Creators Masterpiece intricately handcrafted She doesn't require mans stamp of approval on what God already declared to be made fearfully and wonderfully- she knows that full well. Her trust is not placed in flesh and blood but her hope is in One. The One she holds onto firmly so as the winds roar and the storm comes and the world may be spinning She is found in perfect peace as who is in her is far greater than circumstances.

Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Honor her for all her hands have done and grant glory to the one through whom she was able to do it.

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