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💆🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🌸 Unplanned 🌸🤦🏾‍♂️💆🏾‍♂️

2020, the year of vision, the year of favour. The year where God would give us our mountain. The year that would define the next decade for most. We had planned at the beginning with our visions aligned, focus renewed and our faith restored. After the Autopsy of 2019 it could only get better from that right? This was our year. We had learnt our lessons and ready to face the new decade head on!

They say if you want to make God laugh tell Him your plans. Right now that is a cruel joke because not only is the world in chaos due to a pandemic but a whole lot of plans have been devasted. Personally four different weddings I was to attend have been affected with two postponed and two reorganized to fit the new guidelines. People who were to graduate are having ceremonies at home, people who were to finish school in a year are being accelerated to join the workforce. I know of people who've had to literally relocate countries due to this pandemic they have had to uproot themselves completely from where they used to work and live and settle somewhere new with no job at all. I know of people who have watched their businesses crash completely. events and concerts cancelled, lives and families disrupted.

The entire season has typically been Unplanned for everyone.

Life disrupted.

What on earth is going on?

They say if you want to make God laugh tell Him your plans... what if the reverse is true. What if the truth is that if God wanted to make us laugh He'd tell us His plans?

Like the way Sarah laughed when she overheard the prophecy of Isaac?

Like the people laughed at Noah when they saw Him building an ark for a flood in a place where they had never even seen rain before?

Like Jessi laughed when Samuel requested to see his youngest son David?

Like how Goliath laughed at David when he showed up to battle with no armour and a measly sling?

Like how Hamman must have laughed at Mordecai when He showed up to the palace in sackcloth protesting the destruction of the Jews?

Like how Mary's friends must have laughed when she got divorced even before the wedding ceremony because 'God said he'd send His Son through her'?

Like how Saul's former colleagues must have laughed when they found out that not only did he join the cause he was so vehemently against but He also changed his name to Paul?

Like how the soldiers laughed and mocked the man whose clothes they cast lots for as he was strung out on the cross with a plaque on top inscribed "King of the Jews"?

Maybe it's not that God would laugh at us but we would laugh at Him.

"God uses the foolishness of this world to confound the wise." - 1 Corinthians 1:27

Could what looks like foolishness to us actually be Gods elaborate planning? Could the most shocking ‘disruptions’ in our lives be the pivot that turns us back on track? Hey, I don't know. But what we do know is that we have a Father who is the King of plot twists. Though times seasons and plans change He remains the same God yesterday today and forever. So even in an unplanned season we can hold onto His enduring promises:

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

Romans 8:28 NIV

He said "ALL THINGS" work together for the good. Even now, even here, even in the midst of your unplanned season God is working things out for our Good.

He did not put a defining factor or limit on the all. That means this promise is all encompassing for all those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. No situation or circumstance can stand against the promises of God.

Yes you may not know where a job is going to come from, yes school may have delayed and the timetable for your life completely wrecked. All those hours of wedding planning down the drain.


In and out

Then trust in He who'll never leave nor forsake you trust that He is with you, He's Got you and He has a plan for you. God holds His word above His name, that means to go against His word He’d have to go against Himself. That means that His word is true and trustworthy- though the current circumstances may not yet reflect that trust Him still for He indeed is good and so in the words of Travis Greene I close

“It ain’t over ‘til it’s good”

God’s got you boo.

Be blessed


The unplanned series idea came to me at midnight last night so it in itself is completely unplanned. Over this time I will be sharing two Blog posts a week (ya’ll pray for me😅). One will be on “Unplanned” – navigating the segues of life. The other will be “The beauty of perspective” which will share true real life stories, some personal, others not all in an effort to bring practicality to this all. Your feedback is highly valued and appreciated- if you know someone who will benefit from this blog please do share it with them and if you or anyone you know is in a hard time please do let us know we would love to pray with you. Also, if you want to share your story or contribute to the blog please do contact us as well. God bless you all.

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